Page 41 of Rotten to the Core

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There, the word is out, and there’s no taking it back. I am making her an offer any woman in Nyxar would kill for.

"A consort." she scowls, visibly reviled.

I can’t help a chuckle, aimlessly trailing through the rows of unseasonal fragrant flowers. "Having a consort would revoke their right to use me as a stallion."

I could simplyorderher to take the vow, but Rhea gave me an opportunity too good to pass up with her denial. I can prove my words to her, and make her feel like I've earned her submission.

"Why not choose a real consort?” she grumbles.

I tilt my head. "I'm doing just that, darling Rhea. I’m fucking you every chance I get anyway, and you already belong to me, which makes you perfect for the position."

I opt not to let her in on the fact that I suspect she and I could easily conceive an heir. She calls to my primal power, coaxing it out. Something tells me she’ll have a few words of choice for me once she realizes I’m breeding her.

"I mean," she rephrases, frustrated, "someone you like. A partner."

"I quite like you," I quip, evading her question once again.

She rolls her eyes. "Someone who likes you back."

This time, she has me. "Perhaps I'm hopeful you might grow to enjoy my company."

I'm not an idiot, so I harbor no such misconception, and the lie tastes foul on my tongue. I'm half folk, and the blood of my father has a stronger hold on me than that of my mother, so I can say things that I don't mean, but it stings on the way out.

In truth I don't believe she'll everlikeme, but she doesn’t need to.And I can’t say I actually like her either. I am only interested in her body—and her womb—though the rest certainly entertains me. Our relationship is what it is.Ice cold at the core, sizzling whenever we touch.

“Never,” she promises.

I snicker. “Well, you enjoy my cock, and taking it will be your main duty. You’ll also benefit from a number of privileges, as would befit your station.” I’m all business. “A stipend, a staff, a number of jewels and a wardrobe for formal events—in private, you’ll wear what I want you to. I’ll even throw in some time with your little friends.”

None of my offers lit a spark in her eyes except for the last one. She’s set on escaping, and she can’t hope to do so without them.

“They’d have better stations by extension. The one who played the role of your maid can be employed as such, and the others may become part of your staff.”

It’s a risk, allowing them together, but one I’ll gladly take to have her where I need her.

“But that’s if you win the wager,” she checks.

Oh, poor little summer child. “I will win, darling Rhea.”

We’ve reached the end of the conservatory. Looking beyond her shoulder, to the discreet shadow following us at a distance, I bridge the gap between my mind and Silver’s.“Call the circle, and Rath. Her room.”

My guard inclines her head and slithers away to comply, blending with the darkness so well I barely see her move.

Rhea doesn’t miss the exchange. She’s observant, my murderous little spy. I offer her my arm. “Shall we?”



The name of our land is rather misguiding. There are a number of creatures populating the eternal realms, and most aren’t even immortal, let alone eternal.

In the olden days, at the very beginning of our world, those we now call the old gods made deals with primal forces in exchange for their power, and so long as those forces thrive, so do they. There’s no killing a god, but over time, most have chosen to sleep or slip out of the world out of fatigue or pain.

Mara-Rhea of the light, and her opposite in all things, Velenor of the shade, were the first, and the strongest. No one can kill light but darkness, and nothing threatens darkness like light, but Mara-Rhea and Velenor had no interest in fighting each other. Some say they were siblings; other tales paint them as lovers. Either way, they seemed to have an understanding, and there was peace between Nyxar and Allea in their day.

Others made their own deals—with seasons, day and night, war, thunder, the elements, and even love—but none were as strong as the two originals, according to the legends.The minor gods, while lesser, were powerful compared to any creature now on Xhera—so much stronger than I could ever dream of being. They’re almost invincible.

Before Xhera was divided, the gods bred together—perpetuating, strengthening, blending their power—but also with mortals, creating a new race we called by many names; demigods, spawns, scions. Long-lived, much stronger than mortals, able to manipulate energy around them, like their parents, they were the bridge between the two races, yet not truly accepted by either.
