Page 5 of Rotten to the Core

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I let her. I dislike this role I play, but falling out of character here could be dangerous. There’s no way to tell if we’re observed or listened to. When we speak, we have to code anything close to honesty, as a precaution.

“Miss, there was a servant who came with a letter earlier. You’re expected to meet the king tonight.”

My heart gallops in my chest. This wasn’t the plan. The revel is tomorrow, not tonight. I am drained, wary, and completely out of my element.

I don’t like any of this. It’s too fast. Besides, I have one proper dress. What am I to wear tomorrow if I have to present myself to the king today?We could have my traveling frock cleaned but it’s hardly suitable for a royal affair.

“Can you handle altering what I’m wearing, so I have something for tomorrow?” I ask no one in particular. Sorsha’s even worse than me with a needle.

Part of me wants someone to say we can’t possibly get me a dress that fast, and therefore I should skip tonight. I’m making excuses. I want to delay the inevitable, that is all. Because if I meet the king tonight, I will take the opportunity to kill him, should it present itself.

And I’m not ready right now. I didn’t expect it until tomorrow. I’m scared.

I’ll do it all the same.

“It’s not a problem,” Alrion assure me. “I’ll alter your traveling dress.”

“You sew?” I ask, not entirely surprised.

There are very few skills my friend doesn’t possess.I can’t keep up with how many things he excels at.

He inclines his head. “And if I can’t make something suitable, I’ll purchase a gown that’ll fit. I’m sure there are plenty of tailors in the city. With enough coin, we can get anything.”

I don’t like the idea of his venturing out in the gloomy streets. We ought to stay together. But I really do need to be dressed accordingly to catch the king’s eye, so I nod.

He’ll be fine. Out of the four of us, Alrion seems to be the calmest. In fact, since we arrived here, he’s somehow more settled, more himself. I’ve never been on any mission with him. He usually prefers solo assignments. Now I’m so glad he’s here, soothing us all with his comforting self-assurance.

I've never had such a dangerous mission—or such an important one—and my nerves are considerably more frayed than when I spend the night in a dirty tavern, posing as a waitress, a client, a whore.

I’ve never been this person. The noble with pretty manners, bred to do as she’s bid. I’ve trained for it, but this disguise doesn’t feel nearly as natural as any of the others I’ve had to wear.

Our plan is simple. I’ll be running point, Sorsha will clear an exit for us, and Alrion will provide a distraction. Whether we complete our mission today or tomorrow doesn’t change the fact. Vern’s job is getting whatever intelligence she can gather while the rest of us work.

The most important person for this plan to work without us paying for its execution with our lives is Kriss. He has to keep the carriage ready. He has to. The moment he hears Alrion’s signal, he’s supposed to bring it to the front so we can escape. And if he can’t manage a carriage, we need horses, at least. Any transport will do. Without it, we’re doomed.

I will my inner voice, currently whispering that we’re doomed either way to be quiet, if only for a night.

What does it matter if we die fulfilling this mission? It’s worth it. We’ll save countless of people, villages like mine, with children playing by the square, old wise men cackling as they move chest pieces across boards, and dozens of girls. Innocents. Even the men, vile and leering, sweaty beasts that they are, deserve to see another day.

The simple plan doesn’t feel nearly as elaborate as it should for this grand place, with all its guards, its secret doorways, and no doubt, its hidden magic.

Vern’s gold eyes hold mine as she reaches out to take my hand. We both know tonight could be the last time we see each other. Out of all of us, I’m the one incurring the most risk.

I force a smile, to reassure her as much as than me. She’s younger, barely seventeen. She joined us two years ago, after her brother went to war across the border and never came back.

Nyxar is too powerful. Open attacks aren’t in our favor. We, the Kind King’s spies, are the sole hope for the kingdom of light.

“Well, prepare my dress, then. I’ll rest for a while.” And attempt to set my head on straight. “Wake me in time to get ready, a couple of hours before I’m due to greet the king.”

And with any luck, murder him.



I choose to leave my throne vacant and observe the crowd from a vantage point. My court notices me in my corner, but they're quick enough to glean I don't wish to be disturbed.

We're all on our very best behavior, dressed for mixed company. Alleans are known for their bashfulness, and in an effort to welcome them, I see almost all of my subjects chose to wear their most modest frocks.
