Page 25 of Up in Flames

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Ryan shakes his head. "No, I don't think so. But it's her decision in the end. Just try to trust her, okay?"

I nod, but I'm still feeling uneasy. I want to believe Raven wouldn't go back to her ex, but the fact she kept his calls from me makes me worry that there is something deeper going on. The only way I can find out is to ask her about it, but I'm afraid that doing so will make me appear too jealous.

I look up at the stars through the window, trying to find an answer in the night sky. After a moment, I make up my mind. I will talk to Raven, and trust her to make the right decision.

Ryan leaves after finishing his pie, and I try to compose myself for the conversation coming. Raven seems happy, but if so, why wouldn't she mention her ex reaching out to her? My self-doubt is in full force and I wish it would go away.

I wait for her shift to end, for her to come and have a seat. While waiting, my mind is racing with the possibilities of our conversation, the things we can talk about, and the things that she may have wanted to keep hidden. My heart is full of anticipation, but also of dread. I've been worried that she may be going back to her ex.

When I see her take off her apron and head my way, I can't help but smile. She looks beautiful, even after working an eight hour shift. I watch as she saunters towards me, her hips swaying in her denim shorts, her hair in a messy bun, and a light of contentment in her eyes.

She slides into the seat and I take her in my arms, feeling the warmth of her. We sit there for a moment, just holding each other, before I finally break the silence.

"How was work?" I ask, my voice slightly shaky.

She shrugs and sighs, and her body tenses in my arms. She's been having a hard time lately and a pang of guilt surges through me.

"It was okay," she finally says.

My heart sinks as her phone starts ringing. She takes a look at it and puts it back in her pocket.

"Who was it?" I ask.

"It's Tim," she says, her voice barely above a whisper.

A mix of emotions surging through me. Protection and betrayal. Anger and fear. Love and worry.

"What does he want?" I ask, trying to keep my voice steady.

She looks down and fiddles with her hands, not meeting my gaze.

"He keeps calling me," she admits, her voice shaking slightly. "No matter what I say, he won't stop."

My heart breaks for her, and there is the urge to protect her. Why isn't he getting the hint? I want to make him understand that Raven isn't available and wants nothing to do with him.

But I also feel a hint of betrayal. Why didn't she tell me? Does she not trust me? Or is she thinking of going back to him?

I swallow the lump in my throat and try to find the right words.

"Do you... do you want to go back to him?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

She looks up at me with surprise, then shakes her head. "No," she says firmly. "I love you."

My heart swells and relief courses through me. She loves me. I take her hands in mine and look into her eyes.

"Have you told him that you aren't interested in talking to him?"

She nods. "He won't stop. It's been going on for days."

I pull her in for a hug. "Maybe he needs someone else to tell him. Do you want me to answer next time? I don't mind being the one to tell him to stop. In fact, it might make a difference coming from me and not you."

Tim is a controlling asshole. Ryan has told me plenty about the guy, and he isn't going to give up until he knows that she is happy with someone else. I love Raven, and if this will help her, then I am all for it.

"Let's get you home. When he calls, just let me know. I'll get him to stop."

I get out of the booth and she takes my hand as we head out to my car, and then to her place. We have been switching off staying at each other's places, and have gotten used to sleeping together. So much for taking it slow, but I am not going to complain.

When we get back to her apartment, she jumps in the shower and leaves her phone plugged up in the bedroom. My eyes stare at it, waiting for him to call one more time so I can speak to him. I almost give up when I hear the shower turn off, and close my eyes, but then it goes off.
