Page 50 of The Witch's Destiny

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“We’re stuck, Jesse. Any new information is worth the risk. Please. I need this.”

Jesse’s eyelids drop as he heaves an impatient sigh. When he reopens his eyes and focuses on me, relief floods through me to replace the ebbing tension. He’s relenting.

“Erik. Leif. Bring Steph and come to our room in fifteen minutes.”

I realize the other two vampires must’ve heard our argument and will be up to speed on the situation when they arrive. I also realize I’m still buck naked, so I race to the closet and yank out a tank top, a pair of shorts, a bra, and some underwear before zipping into the bathroom.

Throwing my hair up into a messy bun, I hop into the shower and get clean while keeping the blond tresses away from the spray. No time to wash and dry it. I’m impatient to get a plan drawn up for our trip to meet the witches.

Once I’m clean, dry, and dressed, I brush my teeth––another holdover from my human life I can’t seem to let go of, even though I don’t eat or drink food and never have any particles to brush away. And I never have bad breath, either. But something about not brushing grosses me out.

When I exit the bathroom, the others are already here. The two Vikings are stoic and still, the exact opposite of Steph’s harried, frantic pacing. So, the others must have filled her in.

“I don’t know about this, Eden,” she says when she spins around and spots me. “It could be a trap.”

My gaze shoots to Jesse, and one corner of his mouth lifts in an almost-unnoticeable smirk. Rolling my eyes, I refocus on Steph.

“And we know that, so we can go in prepared. I’m not suggesting we just waltz in at dusk with no preparation.” I put some thought into the situation while I was in the shower, and I have an idea that just might work. “I think we should arrive early and cast an invisibility spell so we can watch them as they approach. Jesse and the others can hang back, then be there in a second if things take a turn for the worse.”

“You’re not going in there without me.”

That stern proclamation comes from Erik, and when I look at him, his eyes are locked on Steph. When I follow his gaze to my best friend, there’s a soft, sappy expression on her face that instantly hardens.

“While I normally have an acute appreciation for a protective alpha male, now is not the time, Viking,” she replies firmly.

“Erik,” Jesse cuts in when the Viking opens his mouth to argue further.

Erik’s gaze slides to Jesse, and I see a stark vulnerability in their blue depths before he instantly smooths his expression. A muscle in his jaw ticks as he gives his king a nod of acceptance and surrender.

“We’ll be careful. I promise. And you guys won’t be far. It’s going to work,” I say, hoping to smooth some of Erik’s ruffled feathers.

After a little more discussion, everyone agrees to the plan, and we decide to meet up in the lobby at four. That will give us plenty of time to scope out the area around the village, find the perfect spot for the vampires to wait, and cast the spell to make Steph and me invisible before the Brimmwise coven shows up.

The others leave, and when we’re alone, I look at Jesse. He’s trying to hide his worry, but I know him. I can see it in the lines around his gorgeous eyes and the slight furrow in his brow.

“It’s going to work,” I repeat for his ears alone, and he nods.

“I trust your instincts,” he says, and I dart forward, slamming into his chest.

His strong arms wrap around me, holding me close as our love for each other cloaks us like a warm blanket. Jesse will always be here for me. Always support me. Aid me. Love me.

Pulling out of his embrace, I meet his gaze. “Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me, my love.”

“I love you so fucking much,” I whisper, and I see the sentiment echoed back to me in his loving gaze.

“Yesterday, before you distracted me,” I start, then pause when Jesse’s lips curl into a seductive smile, which I return before finishing, “I was thinking about the vision I had in the car and what it all might mean.”

“I assumed as much,” he says gently. “Are you ready to talk about it now?”

“I think so,” I murmur, then move to sit on the edge of the bed.

Jesse joins me there, sitting close enough that our thighs touch before taking my hand and lacing our fingers together. He remains silent while I order my thoughts, and I’m grateful for his patience.

“My adoptive parents were definitely witches,” I start, the words slow and measured. “They bound my powers to hide me from some sort of danger. They didn’t want anyone to find out I existed.”

Jesse squeezes my hand when the words trail off, and I look over to meet his gaze. My eyes flit back and forth between his several times before I speak again.
