Page 92 of The Witch's Destiny

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But it’s all been for nothing. No matter where we went or how far we walked, I didn’t feel so much as a twitch in my gut telling me they were near. I haven’t received any more anonymous text messages, either. It’s like they just…disappeared.

Or ran because they couldn’t handle my knowing their secret. That they didn’t die in that car crash all those years ago. That they are, in fact, still alive and well.

While I’m not happy they lied to me my entire life and let me mourn their tragic deaths so deeply, I’m not actually as angry as I might’ve been before everything in my life changed so drastically. Going from mere human, to witch, to vampire while falling in love with your soulmate gives you some perspective, I guess. I know they had their reasons for everything they did.

And I know it was all done out of love.

I just hope to have the chance to explain that to them. To tell them I still love them unconditionally and want to have them in my life with no secrets or lies between us.

Feeling an unmistakable presence behind me, I turn from the window I’ve been staring out of for the last several minutes to find Jesse in the doorway. I offer him a smile, but I can tell from his expression he’s not fooled by it.

“How are you feeling?” he asks as he steps into the room and closes the door behind him.

“I’m okay,” I say, moving forward to meet him near the foot of our bed. “I just wish there was some way to find them.”

“I know you’re frustrated,” he says, pulling me in against his chest.

I wrap my arms around him, holding on tight as I bury my face against his chest. I am frustrated. All this searching and waiting, and I have no idea if it’s all for nothing, or if I’ll ever see my parents again.

“Can I help you take your mind off all of it for a little while?” he asks, and the huskiness in his voice sends a little thrill of pleasure down my spine.

Tilting my head back so I can meet his eyes, I ask, “Oh? What did you have in mind?”

His lips curve up into a sensual smile as his hands slide down to grip my ass, kneading it firmly. Dipping his head, he presses his lips to the column of my throat, nipping the delicate skin and making me shiver with delight.

“Something like this,” he whispers, then sucks my earlobe in between his lips to nibble it gently.

Pulling out of his arms with a quick jerk, I take advantage of his momentary surprise to shove him backward. He lands on his back, bouncing softly on the bed with a hoarse chuckle. I’m on him in a flash, straddling his hips and pressing my breasts into his chest as I suck his lower lip into my mouth and bite it.

Jesse’s hands find my hips, gripping them with strong fingers while pushing me down to grind against his hard cock. The pressure sends a ripple of pleasure coursing through me, and I groan into his mouth as our tongues dance around each other in slow, rhythmic motions.

His fingers pluck at the material of my leggings, and before I can move so he can pull them off me, he jerks his hands in opposite directions and the material rips, shredding at the seams. Before I can even think to protest––these are some of my favorites––his fingers find my underwear and give it the same treatment. Cool air hits my skin just before his fingers touch the slick flesh, pushing deep inside me to massage my inner walls.

I cry out as an orgasm rockets through me, but Jesse is relentless, pumping the digits inside me until I come again. I’m whimpering with pleasure when he pulls his fingers free and quickly unfastens his dress slacks. I lift myself up slightly, and when I feel the head of his cock at my entrance, I slam back down. Jesse grunts as the aftershocks of my orgasms ripple around his hard shaft, and I give him a kiss before pushing myself upright. He watches with dark eyes as I ride him, my hands kneading my own breasts and pinching the erect nipples while my hips roll in a slow, undulating motion.

“You’re so perfect, my love,” he whispers, his hands gliding up from my bent knees to my upper thighs.

“I love you, Jesse,” I murmur back, feeling a third orgasm building inside me.

I move faster, chasing the high, then yelp as Jesse flips us over without breaking our rhythm. I’m on my back now, Jesse hovering over me as he pounds into me again and again, driving my need to all new heights. Holding himself above me on stiff arms, he dips his head and sucks a nipple into his mouth before scraping his teeth across it. I yelp at the sensation, and his laughter vibrates against my skin.

Reaching up, I tangle my fingers in his hair and yank him down. As his arms bend and his weight pushes against my chest, I jerk his head to the side and, without pause or warning, sink my teeth into his neck. Metallic blood gushes against my tongue, and I suck it down with a groan.

Jesse roars as his cock jerks inside me, my bite making him come without pause and with force. I don’t know if it’s the rush of power I feel at being able to make him come on command, or if he uses his mental powers to do the same to me, but my body tenses and explodes in another orgasm, making me shout as my teeth release from his flesh.

Jesse turns his head toward me, his lips whispering up my neck and across my cheek before settling on my lips, kissing me with tender devotion as we both float back down from the high. Lifting up slightly, his gaze meets mine as a soft smile curves his lips.

“You are the center of my world. If my heart were to beat, it would only beat for you, my love.”

“You’re everything to me, Jesse. I want answers about my past. I want to be with my parents again. But when it comes down to the truth of it, all I need is you.”

“And I will help you find those answers, Eden,” he promises, his voice thick and solemn. “Whatever it takes, we’ll figure it out, together.”

He rolls off me, then pulls me with him until I’m tucked tightly against his side. We lay there in silence for a long while, and as the euphoria of our lovemaking fades, my earlier frustrations seep back in. As if he senses it, Jesse tightens his arm around me and kisses the top of my head.

I try to relax, to push the questions and worry away for a while longer, but they persist. Sighing, I stop fighting it and let the thoughts come, a tornado of disjointed feelings and mental images that eventually settle into a singular idea.

I sit up in a rush, looking down at Jesse with wide eyes.
