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“They do sometimes, don’t they?” I asked coyly.

I broke eye contact to kiss and nuzzle his neck for a while. Eventually I trapped his earlobe between my teeth and whispered:

“Maybe in a romcom, where they’re experimenting?” I hissed. “Or one of them’s trying to teach the other how to kiss, so they… you know…“

I rolled him onto his back. Axel stared down at me as I began kissing his neck, his chest, his stomach. I pulled the blankets down with me around my shoulders as I explored even lower.

His hands found my hair, his fingers embedding themselves deeply. Then he moaned, in a way I’d never heard him before.

Was that a push?

I felt it for sure: a slight downward nudge, urging me along. Giving me his permission to keep dragging my tongue past places friendship could never, ever send us.

My lips continued kissing their way over that smooth, unblemished skin. My tongue sailed dreamily through a sea of hard, quivering abdominals. They were all so beautiful, so perfect…

But not nearly as perfect as what came next.

Oh my God…

I shifted lower, and Axel’s manhood sprang into view. It was easily the largest one I’d ever seen. Thick and hard and curving distinctly to the right, it was pulsing gently up and down with his every heartbeat. I had to gasp before I could speak.

“Holy fuck, Axel…”

If all men were created with good traits to make up for bad ones, the joke was on everyone else. Axel had been granted the blessings of being smart, funny, and unfathomably good-looking. Now, on top of everything else, I learned he’d been gifted with… well, this.

“Ari. C’mere.”

He pulled me upward effortlessly, lying me across his chest. Our gazes locked. Our foreheads touched.

“We should probably stop while we still can,” he murmured softly. His eyes were still wanton and feral, but behind that lay a look of concern. Concern for me.

“Shouldn’t we?” he pleaded.

For a moment I managed to shove my own desire to the side. I bit my lip in contemplation.

“Axel, I…”

For a moment I considered not sleeping with him, and keeping our relationship platonic and pure. But then I thought of the others. I thought of how hurtful it might be if Axel ever found out, and how it would seem like he’d been rejected in some way. That I’d somehow played favorites, when that wasn’t the case at all.

With Zane, I had history. With Tyler I had the irresistible pull of feelings built up slowly, over a long period of time. And yet just like Axel, they were my friends. Friends who’d been there throughout my life; men who I’d confided in, grown up with, and loved like family. And now they were also men who I’d given myself to, in every possible way.

In the end, sleeping with some and not all of them seemed wholly wrong. Almost like I was being deceiving, or cheating all four of us in some way.

Beyond all that though, was a more brutally undeniable honesty:

I really really wanted to fuck him.


I murmured the word into his mouth as I straddled him. There was no going back after this. Nothing would ever be strictly platonic again.


“I want this,” I whispered, kissing his nose, his cheeks, his lips. “I want it because I’ve always wanted it. And because you’ve always wanted it, too.”

I shifted lower, until I could feel his enormity pressing against my entrance. I could feel him throbbing there, ready to impale me like some great, thick spear. I was so wet it was ridiculous.

“So let’s take it,” I said, kissing him some more. “Let this be ours, Axel. Right here. Right now…”
