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Yet she persists, her voice light amidst the lunch buzz. "Come on, Aidan. It's just a meeting. What harm could it do?"

"Jesus Christ, Vanessa!" I snap, louder than intended. Around us, people stare. The baristas are shocked.

And instantly, I regret losing my temper.

Before I can apologize, she grabs her bag and stands up. "Fine," she says, her tone suddenly serious. "I get it. No means no."

She turns and heads for the door. Feeling like a complete jerk, I follow her.

Catching up to Vanessa, I corner her outside. An apology, something I'm not used to, awkwardly spills from my lips.

"Look, ah...I'm really sorry, Nessa. I shouldn’t have snapped. That was... that was something Gerald would do," I admit, hating the comparison. "And I don't want to be anything like him."

Nessa just nods, her eyes glassy, the air thick with her perfume. "I know, Aidan. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have pushed you."

"It's okay," I reply, feeling a bit lighter as we exchange understanding smiles. She goes in for a hug, and I wrap her up, holding her close.

As we step back, she looks at me with a playful glint. "You know, Aidan," she starts, "I always knew there was a soft side under that tough exterior."

I'm about to respond when Lacey catches my eye, approaching with her usual energy, her red pom-pom beanie bobbing.

She stops when she sees us, my heart racing.

"Hey guys," she says, her smile warm for me but reserved for Vanessa.

My brain freezes, but Vanessa is smooth as ever. "Oh hi! Lacey, right? Good to see you! Joining us for lunch?"

"Uh, yeah," Lacey says. "Just grabbing some food. Jessie's with Gracie."

"Great! We were heading in too. Come with us?" Vanessa offers, surprising me.

Vanessa touches my chest, glancing at Lacey with a sickly sweet, "Aidan's been wonderful. You have the best boss."

I'm burning up under Lacey's gaze.

Lacey's smile tightens. “No thanks. Seems you two are enjoying your alone time. I'll leave you be," she says, her voice light but her eyes chilly.

She nods. "See you later, Mr. Sullivan."

And she's gone, leaving me stunned.

Vanessa looks at me, eyebrow raised. "That was fun, wasn't it?"

It was anything but. And for some reason, Lacey's look leaves me with a sinking feeling.

I step away from Vanessa. "Vanessa?"


"Grab the order inside under my name. And don’t ever act like we're an item again. Respect Lacey and her position. Got it?"

Her smile drops. She nods.

I walk away, calling over my shoulder, "And tell my dad partnering up is a no-go."

Heading towards Storm HQ, I take a deep breath, full of questions.

Mostly, why Lacey's look makes me want to chase after her and explain everything.
