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I need that today.

Next, I message Talia and Ayo, my ride-or-die friends. "Resignation's in. Feels like I jumped off a cliff. Coffee soon?"

Their replies are instant, filled with heart emojis and promises of support.

I toss the phone aside, gathering my strength.

Today’s going to be tough, but with my dad and friends supporting me, I can handle anything.

Even facing Aidan with the truth.


For now, my goals are simple: Don't cry and survive the day. And maybe, reward myself with some ice cream for not breaking down.

But first, a shower is definitely in order.

Stepping out of Aidan's bed, the flicker of guilt transforms into determination.

I've got this.

I tiptoe into the bathroom, the soreness between my thighs reminding me of last night. Note to self: no more marathon sessions on school nights.

The bathroom, a page out of a home decor magazine, is just another corner of Aidan's world. Everywhere I look, there's a reminder of him.

I shake off the thoughts and turn on the shower, stepping into a stall that's larger than my entire apartment. I laugh, remembering when I accidentally caught a glimpse of Aidan in here, in all his glory. The memory makes me laugh out loud, the sound echoing off the marble tiles.

But as I stand under the spray, a wave of emotion takes me by surprise. Tears mix with the water, and in that moment, it's both ridiculous and cathartic.

Reaching for the shampoo, I close my eyes and tilt my head back, letting the water cascade over my face. I'm trying to rinse away the mix of confusion, joy, and fear entwined within me.

The steady rhythm of water hitting the shower floor drowns out everything else. That's why I don't hear the door open or notice Aidan's silhouette pausing at the threshold.

I turn, and there he is... just standing outside the shower, a shadow amidst the steam.

His dark hair is tousled, falling across his forehead, and those eyes that seem to see right through me are fixed on mine. My eyes flit downwards, taking in the beauty of his naked body—all hard lines and smooth skin everywhere.

Aidan's voice cuts through the steam with a simple question, wrapped in a velvet tone.

"Can I join you?"

My nod is silent, my words trapped somewhere between my heart and my throat.

My heartbeat feels like a frantic drum solo against my chest as he steps into the shower, bringing a noticeable chill with him. The air around us becomes intimate and electrified.

He takes the shampoo from me—a precise dollop. His breath flutters across my shoulders, not from the cold, but the anticipation of his touch sends shivers down my spine.

"Close your eyes," he murmurs. It's more than a request—it's an invitation to trust, to surrender.

I do, and the warmth of his hands starts their dance through my hair, massaging, stroking, and rinsing.

The act is undeniably sensual but carries an undercurrent of vulnerability. Through this simple gesture, the depth of his feelings for me is palpable.

I lean into his embrace, allowing his touch to soothe away any lingering doubts or fears. In this moment, it's just us—no external pressures or expectations.

When the last of the suds are washed away, Aidan tells me to open my eyes. His fingertips on my waist, he turns me towards him. The intensity in his gaze is breathtaking.

His cocoa brown eyes are almost molten as he dips his head down to capture my lips. The kiss is slow and deep, the water cascading down our bodies adding to the sensory overload.
