Page 117 of Sweet Collide

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“I don’t know what you’re playing at, but you need to stay the hell away from me and Aiden.”

“Aw…are you afraid of little ol’ me?” He barks out a humorless laugh. “I’m harmless if you stay out of my way.”

“Get away from me right now. I don’t want anything to do with your sick and twisted mind games.”

The most sinister smirk spreads across his face. “You have no idea who Aiden Slate is. But I do. I know far too well, and one of these days…very soon…he’s gonna fall from that ivory tower he thinks protects him.”

“And how would that be?” I take a step into his space, the anger fueling my actions. “Let me guess. You’re single-handedly going to ensure it happens.”

“I don’t think I need to. There are plenty of players in the game. Aren’t there…what’s your name again?”

The blood drains from my face. The way he said that, and his facial expression have me teetering on the edge.

Does he know who I am?

“What’s going on?” I hear Aiden’s familiar voice, but my eyes remain fixed on Billy’s, trying to determine what his words mean. Is he only messing with me? Or does he know my secrets too? When I don’t answer he says my name, but it’s Aiden’s hard tone that has me peeking over my shoulder. But Aiden isn’t looking at me. His glare is fixed on Billy.

“Nothing,” Billy answers before I can say anything. His nonchalant tone takes me off guard. You’d think Aiden hadn’t just used his I’m going to kill you, tone. “I was just complimenting her on this dress. She looks rather beautiful.” He turns to Aiden. “Don’t you think, Aiden?”

Aiden takes a threatening step forward. “I think you should refrain from making comments about my girl.”

Billy chuckles darkly. “Have a good night.”

He turns around and walks off like there wasn’t about to be a throw-down in the middle of a black-tie event.

“What is it with that asshole?” I say under my breath.

“He’s a spoilsport. Pissed off that he’s not as good as he thinks he is.”

I lift an eyebrow. “That he is.”

Aiden blows out a harsh breath, rubbing at his chest. “I don’t give a fuck about anything he says or does, but I don’t want him anywhere near you.”

“That makes two of us,” I say, inhaling deeply. “I just don’t understand him. You know, he did apologize to me for being an ass at one point, but he just continues to be an ass.”

Aiden bobs his head. “I don’t think he knows any different. From what I understand, he comes from a rich family who was able to buy his way to the top of whatever he wanted. But it isn’t working that way in the NHL. Coach sees he’s a subpar athlete that made the team because Billy’s daddy plays golf with the team’s owner.”

I clench my teeth, baring them. “That explains a lot.”

Aiden chuckles, but it dies off quickly. “He was right about one thing.”

I raise an eyebrow, highly doubting that there’s anything Aiden could say to convince me that the guy was right about something.

“And what would that be?”

“You look absolutely stunning.”

I grin. “I don’t remember him saying stunning.”

He smirks while lifting one shoulder. “Regardless, you are.”

“Thank you,” I say, cheeks heating and eyes dropping to the floor.

Aiden’s finger comes under my chin, lifting my head until our eyes meet.

“Dance with me.” He holds his hand out, and I put mine in his, allowing him to lead me to the dance floor.

This night has been full of anxiety and fear, but for a few moments, I’m going to bask in this moment with Aiden. Hand in hand, we shut the world out as we twirl around the room, lost in each other’s smiles.
