Page 90 of Sweet Collide

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I didn’t want to come to begin with, but now the entire night is spoiled. I couldn’t even fake it if I wanted to.

He’s trying to get rid of me.


I’m not sure why I’m surprised. He’s Aiden Slate. The man who takes and gives nothing back. The man who makes promises and doesn’t keep them.

He left you behind without a second thought.

I stomp down the sadness and allow anger to take its place. I’m taking care of him like I always did. I’m helping him to relax and to be on his game.

Why am I not good enough?

He left once before, and I’d be a fool to think he’d stick around this time if I told him the truth.

I’m going to march in there and quit. Tell him what I think of him.

Except why should I? This is a paid position, so why should I walk away from that? I shouldn’t. He’s going to have to grow a pair and end this himself.

My hands ball into fists. I’m about to ditch this party and claim a stomach bug when someone comes barreling through the curtain right into me.

I cry out as my body pitches back, falling toward the ground, but I never hit. Strong arms wrap around me, saving me from being hurt and making a complete and total ass of myself.

“You’re late,” he says, grinning down at me.

“And you’re a bull,” I quip, allowing him to help me stand.

I run my hands down my dress to straighten out any wrinkles.

“A bull?”

I look between him and the curtain and make a face. “Yeah, a raging bull. You came through that like I was a matador holding the handkerchief.”

He laughs. “Where have you been?”

“Well, this is the city, and traffic at this time of night is not exactly light. Then it took me a moment to find the entrance.” I sigh heavily.

“I’m sorry. I should’ve called to check on you.” He shakes his head. “I could’ve met you at the door.”

“You’re right. You should’ve. A gentleman would have.” I meant the words to be teasing, but they came out anything but.

His eyes narrow in on me, and I know it’s because of how I’m acting. It can’t be helped. My hackles are raised, and contrary to the role I’m being paid to do, I’m not a great actress.

“I really am sorry, Cassidy. I got stuck talking to the senator, and then Mike found me. I lost track of time.”

“You don’t need to apologize to me. I’m the hired help. It’s just business.”

His head jerks back. “What’s going on with you? Are you all right?”

“Yes,” I say, motioning back toward the lounge. “Let’s go. You have places to be and people to swoon.”

Without giving him a chance to speak, I shoulder past him, making it clear I’m done talking. I’m pushing my luck. I need this money, and my attitude over something I have no right being pissed about, will cost me this position early if I’m not careful.

We spend the rest of the night walking around the room, and I play my part as the doting girlfriend. I hold on to his arm. I take special care in helping him conceal his compulsions, and at some point, I even forget about earlier and begin to enjoy myself.

“Cassidy, are you enjoying the playoffs?” asks some wealthy businessman, whom Aiden has been talking to for the past twenty minutes, bringing me into the conversation.

I bob my head. “Yes. I find hockey to be fascinating. It’s so much more than just a sport.”
