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“This morning sickness really needs to pass. I hate seeing Tree like this, man. So does my cock, he needs some loving.”

I slap him on the back, laughing.

“I am sure it will. Come on, we have to fill the guys in on what we just found.”

“And what did we just find?” he asks, dropping his now empty cup in the trash can.

“I found the sex club that she goes to. We need to get in there.”

Thinking of going to the sex club, images of Kady pop into my head, dirty images of her on her knees sucking my cock in front of people. The need to fuck her fast and hard against a wall while people walk past us has my cock leaking with desire for her.

My dick nudges at the zipper as I think of her.

She would never do that, but a man can dream, right?



My hands sweat inside the latex gloves that I am wearing, but I have to wear them. The same with the mask that covers my face.

I am working on a memorial heart for a family who lost their son while he was serving our country. The deep pour needs multiple layers and a lot of resin, so I need to protect myself from the chemicals that go into the air.

Pouring resin has been my love for years, as well as candle making, but it is resin where my heart lies. I love making things look pretty and badass that keep forever.

Carefully and slowly, I lower a laminated image of the man who lost his life, and my heart hurts seeing his smiling face, looking proud in his uniform. Tears spring to my eyes, and I settle the image, seeing the resin slowly engulf it, locking him in a capsule that his family can treasure for the rest of their lives.

This is why I do the memorial designs.

Taking a breath, I pull my mask off. Looking to the ceiling, I close my eyes, soaking in the emotion. Tree told me that I need to learn to feel different emotions instead of locking them away so I do not get hurt again.

My ex, who Tree brought up at the clubhouse, is a man who does not deserve any woman he dates. We dated for a short time, but I found out he was cheating on me with another girl on campus. I blocked his number and ignored him.

Then one day a few months later he came to me, saying that he made a mistake and he wanted to talk about getting back together. I agreed to talk to him because I was curious to hear what he had to say.

While we were having a drink at a pub near campus, he told me how sorry he was, that he was messed up when he cheated and that it would never happen again if I gave him another chance.

While he was spewing his bullshit, the girl he cheated on me with arrived, bellowing about what a whore I was, that I was trying to steal her man and baby-daddy away. He admitted in front of her that if I took him back, he would dump her because he didn’t want to be with her or have the baby.

To say that man is a lowlife is an understatement. The last I heard, the chick left him and he doesn’t see his daughter, but he pays a fuck ton of child support to her.

Every woman is better off without him.

Controlling my emotions, I set back to work, making sure that the items that the family sent are set around his photo. I add one thin layer of resin and let it set overnight before I add the next layer.

Before removing my mask and gloves, I walk over to the other side of the room where I have my four pressure pots that help my resin set but also remove the bubbles, so they are clear as crystal. It is amazing how well they work.

Mixing up another batch of resin in my jug, I pour some into the four skull molds that I have set out ready, before adding into them empty bullet shells. Then adding more liquid, I repeat the process until it is full.

Placing each skull into the pressure pots, I set them to on and get to work on other designs that I love making and that are my best sellers, besides my skulls.

With my molds all lined up, I mix up more solution, making sure to get my measurements correct, otherwise it will not set right. I learned that lesson very early on and wasted more resin than I care to think about.

People love the male and female body form resin design, so I make them in some really funky colors and some that have meaning. I have even added feathers on the outside of the female form to hide her breasts, and it turned out so pretty.

When our grandfather passed and we were left with a chunk of money from his inheritance, I thought long and hard about what I would do with my money, and it was my father who suggested that I convert my garage into a store for myself. I was never one to stick to normal work hours, so being my own boss and setting my own work hours and making designs was a big plus for me.

I begin pouring the mixed resin into the fourteen baby feet molds I have ready, that have been already dusted with pink mica powder. Perfect gift for a baby shower for a baby girl. Once they are filled, I get my heat gun and glide it over the resin, popping any bubbles that have formed.
