Page 43 of Calder

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“So let me get this straight. You suggested that Kady partner up with you to go to the sex club to catch this stealing bitch, so you could force her to spend time with you, but you ended up fucking her. The plan worked well for you, fuckface, but in the process you lost the fucking mark?” Magnum points out my fuck up, his voice rising with each word.

Nodding, I affirm, “Yeah, sounds about right.”

A deep growl comes from across the table and my body stills, my gaze locking on Sarge.

“You do not use women like that, kid. Especially not one who belongs to the fucking club. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

The man may have scared the piss out of me when I was growing up, but fuck me, I will not have him disrespect me like this.

“I did not fucking use her to get my dick wet, and fuck you for thinking that.”

“Can you blame us?” comes from Edge.

“Oh, fuck off, all of you were just as bad as I am before you found your Ol’ Ladies, so keep that judgmental shit to yourself.” I glare at the long haired man.

“He is not wrong,” Slide chimes in.

Magnum shakes his head, and my father smirks, looking at his best friend from across the table.

“I know what this looks like. I fucked up, and I own that shit. At the time I suggested that Kady help us out, I had it in my head that she would be forced to spend time with me. The fucking part didn’t enter my head in the beginning. When it did, it was like my dick took over. I do not regret fucking Kady, but I do regret that I messed up the job. It won’t happen again, and I will help to bring this chick down.”

“I am taking my Ol’ Lady to the club this weekend,” Lennox tells me. “We can control ourselves; my girl knows when to be a good girl and when I want her to be a bad girl.” He winks at me.

Gagging noises come from across the table before a notebook is thrown at Lennox.

My head snaps in the direction the book came from and I see Slide glaring at my brother.

“What the fuck have I told you about that shit? I do not want to hear about you defiling my baby girl.”

The guys around the table laugh at him; he always hates Lennox talking about his and Astrid’s sex life. Fuck, just last week Slide walked in on Astrid serving her man on her knees and Slide threw a bucket of cold water on them both.

The grin that Lennox gives his father-in-law is one that tells me that Slide is not going to like what he says next.

“What can I say, brother, your daughter loves my co?—”

“Keep it up, boy, and see how my daughter will react when I tell her that I saw you flirting with some chick.”

“You fucking wouldn’t.”

“Watch me, punk.” Slide smirks at Lennox.

I cough covering my laugh, but the others all laugh and heckle the two, both generations backing their own. This is one of the things that I have grown to love about the club: seeing the fierce loyalty, the fun banter, but when push comes to shove, we have each other’s backs in a heartbeat.

“Okay, enough both of you. It is like having fucking kids running around my club,” Magnum pipes up, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“I will book another hotel and we will set in motion the new plan with Lennox and Astrid. If I am being honest, Pres, I think this will be a good thing, because if she is as cunning and perceptive as she’s shown to be, she could catch onto Calder and Kady.”

Magnum nods. “Sort it. Anything else to be brought to the table?”

“I talked to Perri and Genesis. They are looking into some new club merch,” Royal tells the room.

“Get your heads together; I think that could bring money in.” Pres nods to his son, then bangs the gavel, ending church.

I leave the room, the guys hot on my heels. Stopping at the bar, I signal to the prospect to get me a beer, and he does as well as bringing the rest of the guys one.

“So, you and Kady?” Travis smirks at me.
