Page 7 of Calder

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I slink alongside the house that we are about to raid, to catch a motherfucker who decided that he deserved more of his grandmother’s belongings than the rest of his family because he was the youngest and she loved him more.

After she passed, the family had planned to meet up and divide all of the items in her property in a fair manner, but this fucker took off with everything valuable, including jewelry that was promised to the granddaughters.

“He is sitting in the kitchen cleaning a car part, so stay sharp.” Royal’s voice comes through the coms in my ear.

I am the one at the back of the house, so I am close to this prick. Stealing shit is bad enough, but stealing from family is fucked up.

“I see him,” I reply, inching closer to the window, seeing the fucker sitting in a chair at the table in his underwear.

“Front is covered,” Finan says.

“Why does this house have a front door and two side doors?” asks Jack.

“Who the fuck cares,” snaps Royal.

“Someone is PMSing,” his twin mutters back.

“Fuck off,” is retorted.

I can’t keep the smile off my face at the twins.

It has been very fucking enjoyable growing up with them, seeing them fight over the years, but still have each other’s backs even if they are fighting.; they are complete opposites in character.

“In three. Two. One,” is counted down and I breach the house.

The prick screams like a little girl, falling back in his chair when he startles.

“Who the hell are you?” he screams, looking around for a weapon, making me chuckle.

“No use, my guy; you are outnumbered.” I nod to the guys who are now inside with us.

“Thank fuck, he didn’t run. I am so not in the fucking mood to run today.”

“Where is all the shit you stole?” Finan growls at him.

His eyes widen, as he looks at the four of us. We are big compared to his scrawny ass. His hair is greasy, and his teeth need brushing.

“That shit is mine,” he says, trying to find an ounce of big boy panty character, but that won’t work with how his voice is wavering with fear.

“Says who? You? Just because you are the youngest does not mean shit, fucker.”

“I did everything for that old coot before she died. All of her stuff is mine; those fuckers never came around to help her,” he tries again.

Royal steps closer, his big body imposing, making the guy shrink against the fridge. Reaching for his knife, Royal places it under the guy’s chin, and he cries out. Fucking pussy.

“We know that you are lying to us, Andrew. We have it on good authority that your grandmother passed away in her sleep after being in a care home for some time, so you did nothing for her. Your cousin was staying at her home taking care of her cats and plants while making sure that you did not steal anything.”

“But you did anyway, while your cousin was sleeping in the downstairs bedroom,” Jack carries on.

“I didn’t touch her,” he whimpers.

“And you are fucking lucky that you didn’t, because see, if you did, that knife that my brother is holding would be buried in your skull right about now.” Finan steps forward.

The sounds of trickling water hitting the floor hits my ears and I groan.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake he has pissed himself,” I whine, stepping back.

“You can either tell us where all the items are, or we will have to go and look for them, which will piss me off, because I am tired, and have blue balls from my pregnant wife not letting me fuck her because she is exhausted from morning sickness. So ready to gut someone. Do not piss me off. Tell my brothers where everything is. NOW,” Royal bellows the last word.
