Page 82 of Calder

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Stepping into the kitchen, I see Risky and Della cooking up a storm of breakfast that would feed an army.

The smells of pancakes, bacon, and eggs fill the room, making my stomach grumble with need for the deliciousness.

“Hungry, I take it?” Della asks.

“Yeah, I guess so.” Smiling at me, she steps closer, kissing Kane’s head.

“You sit, and I will get his bottle for you.”

“Thank you.”

Risky looks over her shoulder, dropping her gaze to the baby in my arms.

“How was he last night?”

“He was good. Only woke up twice. Took his bottle and was sleeping while I was burping him.” The look on her face can only be described as one of pride.

“Good. Tuck in.” A plate with pancakes, bacon, and eggs is placed in front of me, but I do not move to eat.

Kane should eat before me, so I look to Della, who is standing with a smile on her face, looking between Risky and me.

“Yeah, she is a natural.”

Frowning, I look between the two women, thinking what the hell did I miss. Did I fall asleep for a split second? Zone out?

“What did I miss? You two are freaking me out, stop it,” I whine, making them laugh.

“Being a parent means putting your kid’s needs before yours. You won’t eat before Kane, showing us what he means to you. Kady, you’ll be a great mom to my grandson.”

My throat clogs with emotion, my heart beating hard against my chest at her words. Della leans down kissing the top of my head, before taking Kane from me.

“You eat, and I will feed him. I have already eaten. Family takes care of family, sweetie,” she tells me.

“No one stands alone, Kady. Remember that,” comes from Risky.

I stay with them, eating my breakfast and talking about anything and everything. It is nice to have this time with Della, to get to know her on a different level, from what I get when we are around the whole club.

Time flies while we chat; Kane is sleeping in a bassinet that was brought into the kitchen for him. Risky said that it has been passed down from generations and is still going strong.

The muted sound of motorcycle pipes filters into the kitchen, making my heart flutter in my chest. I peer over at Kane, who is still sleeping soundly, letting the world pass him by in a flurry of sweet dreams of milk and pooping.

“Go to him. I will watch my grandson,” Della says to me.

With a nod, I lean over, kissing the sweet baby on the head before leaving the kitchen. Pushing through the door, I hear the excited squeals of Adley as she races across the room towards Lennox, who is beaming at his little girl. Astrid meets them and they hug and kiss. The other men go to their women and kids.

My heart skips a beat seeing Calder step in behind his brother, looking around the room until his eyes meet mine. A smile brightens his face as he looks at me, his steps quickening as he closes the gap between us.

Needing to touch him, to feel his lips on mine, I move towards him, meeting him in the middle of the room.

“Oh, baby, we just acted out a Hallmark movie moment,” he jokes before his lips slam against mine, taking my breath away.

His tongue toys with mine, licking at the roof of my mouth, making me moan, which makes him press his hips against my body. I can feel how hard he is, and it makes me realize how much I missed him, even though he was only gone one night.

Shit, I was worried about falling, but it seems that I have already fallen.

Breaking the kiss, I chase his lips, needing more of him, making him chuckle.

“Soon, baby. Where is our boy?”
