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Clary blinked and dropped her gaze as her eyes burned.

“I know that coming from the Eolenfelds, this place might look like a dump to you, but …”

“It isn’t a dump,” she said, then turned away and drew a breath. “Look. You don’t have to do this. I never thought anything bad about this place.” She jerked her thumb toward the windows. “The windows need some cleaning and the lights in the hallway are kind of dim, but besides that, I don’t see anything wrong with this place.

“And I actually find what he does interesting. I’ve never seen Star Wars, but—”

“You’ve never seen Star Wars?”

Clary frowned at Aldric’s puckered brows. “Really? That’s what you’re taking away from this conversation?”

Aldric’s head bobbed up and down. “Those are Seth’s favorite movies.” He dropped his gaze to her hand. “Did he really buy you that diamond?”

She nodded. “We’re not engaged, though. We were—”

Aldric yawned loudly. “I’m bored already.”

Clary chuckled.

“What are you doing?” Seth marched over. “I told you to stay away from her, and where the hell is your shirt?”

“I wasn’t harassing her.” Aldric stepped back with his hands raised by his chest. “I wasn’t, right?” He eyed her.

“He wasn’t,” she said. “He came to tell me that I’m the luckiest woman alive because you deem me worthy of your time.”

Seth closed his eyes and sighed, and Aldric took the chance to slip away—after he shot her a glare.

Clary bit down on her lips to stop herself from laughing.

When Seth opened his eyes, he seemed—for a moment—torn between chasing down his brother and coming over to her. Then, he strode over and grasped her shoulders. “Are you okay?”

“He wasn’t mean to me.” She locked eyes with him, then took a small step forward. She didn’t want to catch him off guard. “I’m going to hug you,” she said before putting her arms around his neck and leaning into him.

His arms were immediately around her, one arm around her waist and the other hand cradling her head. “What happened? What did Aldric say?”

“Nothing. This has nothing to do with him.”

“Are you sure?”

“Maybe something, but just forget about him.”

He brushed his hand down her hair. “I’m sorry about my brothers.”

“When the stitches come out, I’m going to make the best dinner for you.”

He laughed softly. “Are you hungry? Zane and Oliver went out to get breakfast. But if you’re hungry—”

“I’m fine.” She tipped her head back. “Seth, about last night.” She shook her head. “I don’t find you boring at all. I had a lot of fun at Movement. I don’t necessarily like the idea of being a prime suspect if anything went missing at the robotics lab or if any ideas leaked, but I had a lot of fun.”

His lips curled.

“I mean it. And,” she grinned, “if you have nothing planned for the rest of the day, why don’t we watch Star Wars on my laptop?”

“You can’t watch Star Wars on your laptop.”

“You don’t have a TV.”

Seth looked down the hallway. “I have a secret, and if you tell Oliver about it, I’ll never forgive you.”
