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“What does that mean? Explain this to me, Wes. You somehow managed to talk Clare into dating you, does she really know it’s to win back Mandy, or are you using her?”

“Of course, she knows! I would never deceive her like that.”

Rory gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. “Oh my God. It’s a ruse? The whole dating thing is a ruse?”

“No. Yes. I mean, no. I don’t know!”

Rory sat down and set her coffee on the small table at the side of the chair.

Slowly shaking her head, she looked up at me. “You lied to your Mom. Was the kiss fake? Did you know your mother would be walking in? You thought you could get a two for one with Clare as your fake girlfriend? Win back Mandy and get your mother off your back.”

“Rory, you don’t–”

She started to talk over me. “What do you have on Clare that would make her go along with this ridiculous game?”

I jerked my head back in surprise. “I’m not bribing her with anything. And I’m sorry, but aren’t you the one who kept your relationship with Finn a secret so your father wouldn’t find out?”

She stood again. “That is completely different, Wes! You’re using my best friend to break up an engaged couple!”

“Stop it, both of you.”

Rory and I both turned to see Clare standing there. My heart felt like it cracked open at the sight of her. She looked so damn defeated and tired.

“Clare, honey, why don’t you let me take you home so you can take a shower and get some decent sleep,” Rory said as she took Clare’s hands in her own.

“Thank you, Rory, but I’m not leaving. Not until I make sure my parents are going to be okay.”

Rory gave me a pleading look.

“Clare, I can stay, and if I hear anything I’ll call you.”

She shook her head. “I’m not leaving.”

“Clare, let’s get some food in you and some rest. We can also talk about this mess Wes has gotten you into.”

I wanted to say something to Rory but kept my mouth shut. I got that she was worried about her best friend, but she also had no idea what was going on.

“Mess?” Clare asked.

Rory motioned between me and Clare. “Yes, this mess he has somehow managed to talk you into.”

Clare’s gaze met mine. Without looking at Rory, she softly said, “I appreciate you worrying about me, Rory. But I’m fine.”

“Clare, you can’t seriously be willing to go along with this crazy idea of his. It’s insane!”

Turning to face her best friend, Clare put her hand to her forehead. “Stop. Rory, please just stop! This isn’t the time to talk about what is going on between me and Wes.”

Rory instantly shut her mouth.

“I need you to trust me, please. I also need you to back off right now. If you care anything about me, you’ll please let this go.”

Rory’s eyes went wide before her entire body relaxed and she released a breath. “I’m sorry. You’re right. Now isn’t the time to do this. But I’m not leaving. I want to be here for you.”

Clare gave her a tender smile. “Thank you. But if you stay, you have to promise me you won’t bring this up again.”

Chewing on her lip, I could see the inner battle Rory was having.

“For now, I’ll let it go. But only for now.”
