Page 50 of Octavius's Oath

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Friendships and loyalties will be broken, more than one.

Santiago clicks his tongue. “Why are both of you so defensive?”

Before he can spit any more bullshit, I ask, “Where is Remi?” His latest actions brought us to the brink of war with Lachlan, and he better explain why he acted on all his decisions alone without discussing it with us. “I’m tired of his temper and him getting us into trouble.”

Florian points to the dance floor, and I follow the direction, only to see Remi dancing with Amalia Scott of all fucking people, or rather, the source of all our current problems. “Looks like he’ll be busy.”

“He needs to wrap it up quick. I promised my wife I’d be home tonight.”

“I’m not waiting for him. He better have a good explanation for us.”

“Or what?” Santiago snaps, straightening up, clearly disliking my implication of his best friend. “Don’t forget our rules, Octavius.”

“Remi is the one who needs the reminder of our rules, not me.” I’m ready to go after him, dragging him by the collar if necessary, when commotion on the dance floor catches my attention.

“Let go of me, you asshole!” Isla yells, pushing at some guy and delivering a punch straight to his face while he stumbles backward, spilling his beer on the floor. “No means no.”

Fury washes over me, and before my actions even register in my head, I march toward them, seeing red and ready to beat the shit out of the guy for daring to touch her, when she flicks her gaze to me and slides in front of me. “You don’t get to hightail your ass whenever you feel like it.” She pokes her finger at my chest, and my body jerks at the contact. The pulse beats rapidly on her neck, showing me how agitated she truly is. “I might not be pretty enough for the likes of you, but you can scan the crowd for your next woman after I’m done with you.” She pokes her finger again. “Answer my one question, and then I'll never come close to you again!” She screams the last part in my face, breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling as we stare at one another, and that’s when I’m done.

Without saying anything, I dip down and throw her over my shoulder, to be met with her loud yelp, and spin around on my heel, going upstairs to my private VIP lounge while Santiago and Florian salute me. Flipping them the finger, I drag Isla to a place where no one would disturb us.

I hope she’s ready for what’s about to come next.

She managed the impossible.

Snap my control.

And now she has to deal with the consequences.


“My desire is my greatest weakness.


She’s my greatest weakness.”


From Isla’s mother's diaries…

My Isla turns fifteen tomorrow.

She’s a bright girl who loves to throw challenges and dreams about becoming a historian one day because, according to her, I made her love everything ancient.

Everyone praises her for her kind heart and helping hand to whomever needs her, she never refuses anyone and always stays late in school to tutor kids from less fortunate families.

According to her, everyone deserves a chance as long as they are willing to change and have pure intentions. She even cries whenever she sees injustice done and promises to speak more about it in the future once she has a career.

We moved to a new house one year ago, my husband got a big promotion and the money was insane. I asked to put some aside for Isla’s education but he was adamant about finally getting us our dream home.

I didn’t need my diary all these years…because my life has been smooth sailing, something calmed inside me after her biological mother died.

The sense of impoundment doom vanished, leaving only happiness and hopefulness in its wake.

Well, almost.

At the beginning, I still followed updates on Diego. According to the newspaper, he spent around three weeks in the hospital and then got taken into state custody because they couldn’t find any blood relatives for him. At that moment, a crazy idea entered my mind. I wondered if we could adopt him and raise them together without anyone knowing a thing…and somehow, this way clean up our mess and make up for our horrible sin.
