Page 93 of Octavius's Oath

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After all, we’ve been inseparable all this time, and our bond runs deeper than anything else in our lives.

Even Santiago and Remi do not understand our level of friendship as Florian isn’t just a friend or a brother.

He’s a soulmate who never ever gave up on me.

With a loud scratch, I finish writing on the parchment we all ordered, dipping the feather in ink one last time before putting a dot on it. “So nine rules in total, and we have to seal it with our blood.” After deciding to form the brotherhood, we all agreed on rules we all vowed to follow in order to control all our different characters and have our limits in case shit hit the fan.

Florian picks up the knife, ready to slice his palm, when Remi’s question stops him. “What about women?”

“What about them? You can fuck whoever you want. Just keep it covered because we don’t need little horsemen in our lives,” Santiago says, shuddering a little at the idea of bringing a child into this world. He has been the most vocal about never wanting to get married.

I find it so strange, considering he’s the only one whose parents among us stayed married their whole lives and loved each other madly.

“Ha ha. Fuck you, Santiago,” Remi barks before elaborating. “If any one of us claims a woman as his own, what happens?”

“Ehh, it’s up to you?” Florian supplies, as confused with this conversation as the rest of us.

Why the hell is he even asking that? I might be eighteen, but I’m still a virgin, while the guys fuck whoever they want whenever the mood strikes them. It’s not like any of them showed any sign of commitment toward others, or it’s in anyone’s plan.

“Except when a man takes a woman, he shares with her. She becomes part of you. It contradicts rule number five, in which we do not reveal the true deeds of the brotherhood.”

Florian runs his hand over his face, muttering something about Remi’s romantic nature, while Santiago huffs, his body language showing in all its glory how much distaste he has for that statement.

Which means I have around five seconds to defuse the situation before it escalates. “Look, Remi—”

“No. I won’t leave this to chance. We’ll agree on it right fucking now, or this brotherhood will run without me.”

My brow shoots up, and I share a long look with Florian, who shrugs, although he grins when I frown at him.

He always finds their fights hilarious, maybe because we never have any real fights.


Santiago gets up, facing off with Remi, anger shining in his eyes while his fists clench.

Ah, hell.

“Who are you, Remi, to give me ultimatums?”

“Who are you to tell me I cannot protect my woman?”

“She doesn’t even exist. It’s a mythical concept you think you might want to have someday.” Santiago hits him on the chest, and he sways a little before finding his balance quickly and delivering his own blow, sending Remi flying to the wall, his back hitting the stone hard.

Florian chuckles and rolls his eyes while I shake my head.

Why the fuck do these two always find a reason to beat the shit out of each other?

“Fucking apologize!” Remi shouts, moving toward him, and Santiago punches me right in the face instead.

Yeah, time to interfere.

We jump up, darting to them. “Lo siento, Remi. Is this enough of an apology for you?” Santiago asks, a wide grin spreading across his mouth.

Remi launches toward him, delivering his own blows to his face as they fall back, continuing to punch each other.

“Enough, both of you.” Neither of them listens to me, though.

“What is it, Remi? Want a woman of your own so she can compensate for your childhood?”
