Page 116 of Florian's Bride

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“I imagine it was hard for them to hear.”

“I think they are all upset. They love me, you know.”

I know, it’s something I’ve tried to explain to her for years that she was never a second-rate citizen in her family and they adore her.


She’s the only one who wasn’t touched by the darkness. Their light and happiness, their hope and beauty, their reason to move on and hold on.

They say being the oldest sibling is a hard job because you always have to care about the well-being of others while no one gives a shit about yours.

Responsible. Trustworthy. Understanding.

Some of the adjectives that follow the oldest if they treat their siblings and parents right.

However, rarely anyone speaks about the pain the youngest siblings experience because according to everyone, they have it the easiest.

They grow up with more experienced parents who have softened with age and allow their child more freedom and have more time to love them.

Often, though, in the quest to protect the youngest, they shut them out of important decisions and fail to see how their actions cause pain and suffering as the younger ones struggle to find their place in the family dynamic.

Santiago hates me right now because he loves Jimena very much, and his greatest fear has always been one thing.

Anyone hurting his little sister and crushing her spirit beyond repair, something that had been done to him.

Jimena has no idea how much he actually controlled and tracked her life in Europe, she couldn’t sneeze without him knowing and whenever there was just a hint of trouble…he’d go ballistic and deal with it.

Before his marriage to Briseis I think Jimena was his saving grace, the remaining piece of his soul that got to live a life without horrendous monsters destroying it.

He wished for her to be happy in a way he could never be.

In a way none of us can be since our pasts shaped us into vicious creatures hungry for blood.

And I touched her. Tainted her. Forever drowned her in our world.

He could have forgiven my lies…he could have accepted my love for her…but this?

I’m afraid he’ll never forgive me for this.

“Yes. We all love you very much.” She sighs some more and leans back, pain flashing in her eyes as she touches my bruised face. Although it aches like hell, her caress soothes it a little and serves as in invisible balm over her brother’s rage.

He didn’t hold back and I would have never respected him if he did.

I don’t get a free pass just because I’m one of his best friends.

Or rather, used to be.

The jury is still out on that particular fact.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispers, tears sliding down her cheeks, and her fingers roam over my face gently. “So sorry.”

“It’s all right.” She rests her forehead against mine. “It doesn’t really hurt. I’m glad it happened.”

“You’re glad my brother beat you up?”

“At least now everyone knows. It was always inevitable.” Another long sigh. “You’re not marrying my cousin.” This comes out harsher than I intended, and she stills in my arms. “I don’t give a fuck what he’s holding against you. You’re mine.”

