Page 2 of Florian's Bride

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“I’m okay.” Throwing the handkerchief on the nearest bench and giving him my bouquet, I adjust the veil on my hair tighter, ignoring the pain when I pin it so hard, it temporarily numbs everything else raging in me. “We really have to go.” I catch my reflection in the window, my hollow blue eyes staring back at me while this stunning dress seems almost like a mockery for something that’s supposed to be glorious.

For me, though?

It’s hideous.

Has the world seen a more devastated bride on the verge of making the biggest mistake of her life?

Thunder echoes in the sky, the lightning flashing through the window and brightening up the darkness around us, mingling with the light as dark clouds gather, ready to pour rain on the sidewalk and create a rather gloomy atmosphere designed to showcase Mother Nature’s mood that matches the one in my soul.

Because even Mother Nature doesn’t approve of my union. Shouldn’t this be a sign to bolt?

You can run away from me if you want, baby girl. But I’ll catch you every single time. You belong to me. Never forget it.

“Jimena?” I focus back on my dad, wishing for the seductive and tempting voice to disappear. “If you change your mind at any moment from now on, I’ll support you and be on your side.”

He desperately wishes for me to stall and think clearly. However, his every action only pushes me toward this marriage because he can never accept what’s in my heart.

So what choice do I truly have, especially when the danger…

I shake my head again, refusing to think about the hideous and horrible images playing in my mind, akin to the horror movie that has no end, just endless terror, and there is no reprieve from them.

Sans the marriage to a Price man.

Because that’s what I’m about to do, right?

Marry a Price man.


I’m marrying the wrong Price.

Dad extends his arm to me, and I hook mine through it while taking the bouquet back. “Okay.” We start moving toward our destination, my heels clicking on the marble as my eyes drink in the beauty around me that, as a little girl, made me gasp in awe at how hauntingly gorgeous it is.

The church has expensive stained glass in the dings, and the ceiling is curved in an oval shape, which almost gives a fairytale-like experience, creating a magical atmosphere where everything is possible.

Even atoning for most mortal sins.

If you pretend hard enough, you can almost imagine angels descending from heaven and casting a spell on you, washing away all your worries while stilling everything around you, forever trapping you in this state of mind.

Where your emotions push to the surface, yet you can never allow them to reign and ruin your family because all the choices one makes…inevitably lead to consequences.

And mine are so catastrophic one might wonder how I’m still surviving with the guilt eating at me.

The golden marble glistens under the candlelight, pointing at the expensive artwork gathered all over the world by my family, who found this church, displayed on the walls, matching the exquisite design.

Various flowers are spread all over the perimeter, roses and orchids mingling and forming a rather weird combination while their scent floats in the air, making my nose twitch and the bile rise in my throat.

As we stop at the entrance, the organ player blinks at us, straightens up, and starts the music from the very beginning. At the same time, the people occupying the pews stand. They’re grinning at me even though their eyes tell a different story altogether. They’re filled with resentment and concern bordering on hate.

I read the truth on their faces my mind refuses to acknowledge.

This marriage will be my ruin.

Slowly, we start to walk down the aisle while I focus on the groom waiting for me in the distance, looking dashing in his suit. Even through the veil, I can see the satisfaction on his face that my nails itch to scratch.

A despicable, despicable man belonging in hell, yet he acts like a saint and needs God’s blessing for this union he blackmailed me into.

Another truth I can never share with anyone.
