Page 37 of Florian's Bride

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“Death always had one goal in mind. To wipe away the Price family legacy from this world and he used all the heirs as weapons in his plans. Insane and psychotic, but he had a clear purpose. Our shit didn’t touch anyone else, and he never dedicated his attention to anyone else.” A beat passes. “However, this time around, it’s different. His son is unpredictable, and his wrath has the power to touch anyone close to me, which means he’s potentially dangerous to you all.”

We operate as a unity, creating a powerful front nothing can break, which means everyone stays away from us.

Any small thing can shake the unity and lead to the downfall of all four involved, one of the reasons we’ve agreed to vote on decisions.

If a vote is not in someone’s favor, it means one of the four is on his own and deals with his situation separately, without endangering anyone else.

Throwing my emerald ring into the bowl right in the middle of the table, the rattling sound ringing in the air makes me think back to the day I made it.

Or rather, made them.

“What the fuck is this?” Remi asks, picking up one of the rings with a black jewel and examining it closely.

“These are our rings.” I give them all the rest of the rings, each one of them having a different color stone in the middle that matches our eyes while the overall shape and the platinum surrounding it is identical. “With this, we are part of the Four Dark Horsemen, our unity.”

“Isn’t it like a chick thing?” Octavius wonders, slipping a ring on his hand. They all look good on us, not standing out as unnecessary accessories. I’d spent four days inside the studio, polishing them to perfection after designing them for weeks. They had to be exactly what we needed to reflect our true nature. “I vote for matching tattoos.”

“We’ll do that too.” Remi shows us the design on his sketch pad along with the quote, In chaos do we thrive.

“That’s what makes us feel alive,” Santiago replies, and we all laugh while the darkness slowly settles into our hearts as the full meaning of this hits us.

Those rings forever represent one simple truth.

We’re murderers.

The clock hanging on the wall ticks loudly, the only sound filling the room, and I go back to my chair, dropping into it and kicking my feet up on the table as I continue to nurse my whiskey, awaiting their reply to my silent question.

Dread slips into every bone in my body when they all throw their rings in the bowl, one by one, promising to stick with me through anything and ready to fight whoever threatens me.

A decision I never wanted them to make, but I never doubted their choice.

Once upon a time, a group of boys made a decision.

Form two groups of best friends that would be able to defend each other if a fight erupted inside the four.

And connect each other with one brotherhood.

A brotherhood that would seal their fates together and cement a friendship that nothing would be able to break.

Even death.


“First kisses should be one of the most magical experiences.

My first kiss, though?

It was a curse.

Because it made me crave things I’d never have and ruined me for anyone else.”


From Jimena’s emails to Florian…

Hi Florian!

It’s almost March right now, which means…it’s been three months since I saw you last.
