Page 78 of Florian's Bride

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“I don’t.” I freeze at the steel in his voice and the intensity in his eyes as his thumb brushes over my pulse point and his scent calms me on some level. “How can there be any justification for hurting you? You’re the most important thing in this world to me, Jimena. Behaving like a dick toward you has been my greatest challenge in this life, as all I want to do whenever I look at you is drag you to my cave and never let you go.” He crowds me tighter against the wall, his pelvis digging into mine as our lips are inches apart, and his wild heartbeat under my palm matches mine. “You’re my madness, princess, and there is no cure for it. I’m irrevocably yours, and that’s your greatest curse.” He tips my head up and leans forward, his breath fanning my cheeks while we stare at one another. “I should stay away and let you live a beautiful life where darkness doesn’t exist. But I can’t. Because I’m selfish when it comes to you and want you all to myself. Te amo, Jimena,” he finishes in a whisper, his lips grazing mine as tears fill my eyes at such truth ringing in his words that soothe my wounds. “But I’m sorry my love comes with such sharp thorns.”

Ever since falling in love with Florian Price, I have had only one dream.

To have his love.

And while his confession should heal my wounds, they still bleed, and I can’t trust them.

How can you trust a man who hurt you so much without any explanation?

Before he can kiss me, I push at his chest, and he steps back while I wiggle free from his embrace, taking several steps to the right and gulping for breath. “Why?” Surprise flashes on his face as if this is the last thing he expected to hear after his confession. “If you love me, then why did you treat me like trash?” I swallow hard. “Why did you treat me no better than some kind of a whore after our first time?”

“I never treated you like a whore,” he snaps right back, and removes his jacket, throwing it on my chair and rolling up his shirt sleeves. “Since you lack experience to know the difference, let me make something abundantly clear, princess. I never touched other women the way I touched you.”

“Yet you showed them all more respect than me!” I shout the last part and quickly cover my mouth, groaning because I forgot our whereabouts. “This is getting us nowhere.”

“You want me to grovel? I’ll grovel, princess. On my knees if I have to.”

A scorching heat travels down my spine as his hushed voice paints carnal images in my head. However, no. Grovel is the last thing on my mind right now. Understanding why he acted the way he did is a priority. “I want the truth.” A beat passes. “And then we can decide on the grovel part.”

Mama raised no fool, after all.

“Okay.” He motions for the bed. “Please sit down. It’s a rather long and brutal story.” I do as he says, and he drops on the chair opposite my bed. “I’m sorry, Jimena.”

My brow furrows. “For what?”

“For what I’m about to tell you. No one knows about it except our fathers. I never wanted to burden you with it, but I have no choice.”

And he finally tells me the truth.

The truth that breaks my heart in ways his cruelty never could.


Everything should always go according to plan, and while Jimena is acting a little bit difficult right now…she will play by the rules.

She’s a Cortez.

And if there is one weakness her dynasty has?

It’s their family.

Unfortunately for them, they love each other; love is our greatest weapon, not strength.

My laughter reverberates through the space as I flip through various photos that announce my upcoming victory and run my fingers through my blond hair.

The Price family will pay for all the disrespect.

But especially Florian.

Just killing their baby is not enough for me.

I want them both to watch and suffer, knowing they can’t do anything about it.

Cruelty is my greatest source of entertainment.

And compared to Florian?

I prefer to kill the innocent because, where is the fun in harming the monsters?

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