Page 8 of Florian's Bride

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However, there were three most notable ones who stay legendary to this day.

Hector, the Trojan prince who protected his land with everything in him and whose skills and morality inspired respect even in the Greeks. One of the bravest men who just wanted to live peacefully with his family but was denied that right.

Achilles, the best warrior of the Greeks, participated in the war for endless glory and found it. It cost him his life, but he had no value for it anyway. According to him, it was better to die in good company than live in a bad one.

Among them all, though, there was one who survived the war and made it home.

Odysseus was a king of Ithaca known for his calm demeanor and cunning intelligence, which greatly served the Greeks during the Trojan War. He was a big advocate for it and managed to handle a lot of internal conflicts in order for the army to continue fighting, showcasing his diplomatic skills. If Achilles was known for his temper and anger that flared like hot flashes, then Odysseus was the opposite of him, always thinking first and acting later.

And while all these men had fascinating love interests for whom they conquered the world and won battles…my parents decided to name me after a woman who was known for her beauty and cheating ways.

Her man wasn’t any better either.

Paris destroyed his family, people, and country in the name of a fickle love.

How strong could it have been if, after his death, Helen went back to her husband, who still wanted her despite what she did?

She lost all my sympathy right there.

Whenever I voiced this question to my mom, she’d smile and just shake her head, promising me that someday I would understand Helen and see her in a different light.

My response was that I would never understand such betrayal and selfishness.

Well, never say never. Life found a way to teach me a lesson and never judge anyone because you might just do the same stupid thing and fall in love with someone forbidden and unattainable.

“Jimena.” George’s voice pierces through my musings, and I look back at him. I must have zoned out. “No luck finding your Paris?”

“No.” The lie easily slips past my lips just when thunder shakes the sky.

The truth is hideous, though, so how can I ever share it?

I’ve already met a man who could have been considered my Paris, and when he had to make a choice between the forbidden and what was right…he chose the latter because, to him, I’m nothing but a pesky nuisance.

A headache. A problem. A responsibility he couldn’t wait to get rid of.

My greatest tragedy is not being named after a woman who became a synonym of broken vows and eternal beauty.

It’s the fact that no man will ever choose me above anyone else.

My name might be Elena.

But my Paris?

He hates me.

And I can do nothing but run away from him as it’s the only way to cure the pain consuming my heart and bruising it every single day.


“Our vices and obsessions can never be controlled.

And as such there is no cure for them.

Even if they are deadly in their nature.”



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