Page 87 of Florian's Bride

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“Some evilness has to be destroyed so no one else would suffer the way we did.”

Flashes of what was done to me play in my mind. The idea of another boy or girl experiencing all these vile things sends me in despair. “I’m broken now,” I whisper. “Dad deserves better.”

“Jacob loves you the most. We all love you. You’re not broken. You’re ours. And no matter what you do, you will always be ours.”

I’m so confused and lost. Different emotions rush through me that seem too big for my age.

The future has more sense if it means I can grow up into a strong man like Uncle Lucian and punish all these men or maybe more.

As long as I think about their blood, mine is not appealing or even necessary. How would I destroy them if I’m dead?

It takes me a second to realize tears stream down my cheeks and drip on the blanket.

I haven’t cried in all this time. I cried and begged so much in that basement I had no tears left in me. Even when they told me about Frederick.

For the first time in almost two months, though, I feel an overwhelming sense of relief, and the pain and hurt stacking up inside me pours out, demanding an outlet.

I wrap my hand around Uncle Lucian, who grips it gently but firmly, giving me his presence and moves closer, hugging me as I cry my heart out to him. “They were awful. And it hurt. Everything they did hurt.” I whimper into his chest, soaking up his white T-shirt. “I begged and begged, and they continued to hurt me.” My sobs are so loud, my whole body shaking as I grip his hand, and he runs his splayed palm over me, soothing and saying nothing, just allowing me to let it all out. “Por favor no le digas a Santiago. Él va a estar dolido.” I beg him not to tell Santiago about this.

He shouldn’t be burdened by this, and I don’t want to have this in the way between us. I need no reminders about that night because everyone will look at me differently, then.

I can’t have that.

“No lo hare. Te prometo que nunca se lo diré. Sera nuestro secreto.”

Exhaustion washes over me once he promises me he won’t do it, and that it will be our secret, and for the next couple of minutes, I let my godfather rock me in his arms as much as he can, considering all the bandages, finally pulling me away from the vacuum I’ve existed in for almost two months.

After a while, he leans back and smiles at me, although I see traces of something on his face that I can’t understand. He adjusts the pillow behind me so I’m more comfortable and gets up. “I’m going to call your godmother so she can come and visit. Is that okay with you?” I nod, happiness bursting up inside me at the prospect of seeing her. It shouldn’t be painful now. “Great.”

He opens the door, and I groan inwardly because I see Octavius standing behind it, pressing a backpack to his chest while he blinks several times.

The last thing I need right now is him spilling all the beans to Santiago.

Octavius belongs to the Reeds dynasty, and his father died before he was even born. His mom married his cousin as a result and Uncle Lucian acts as power of attorney over Octavius’s shares in the family business, keeping them safe until he turns eighteen.

So he invites him to a lot of functions and practically forced us to be friends with him. Octavius stays quiet most of the time and rarely voices an opinion, just staring at us when we do our usual fun stuff.

He disliked Frederick, though, and when my twin wanted to bond with him he refused, and it was the only time I saw him display emotions.

I should have expected to see him at some point. His mom is pregnant right now, and they have shares in this hospital as well.

“Hi, Uncle Lucian.”

“Hey, kiddo. How are you?” He picks him up and hugs him, making Octavius giggle. “Haven’t seen you in a while. Everything okay?”

“Yes. Antonio brought me here to check on Mama. She’s staying overnight, so I’m going to be here for a while.”

He has a whole family butler too who watches over him, but I don’t miss how a muscle twitches on Uncle Lucian’s cheek because he hates Octavius’s mother and his stepfather. According to Daddy, he has his reasons.

“Is that so? Good.” He places him back on the floor. “I have to go. Let me walk you to your mom’s room.”

He shakes his head and peeks behind his leg at me. “Can I stay with Florian? Mama is still busy, and Antonio is boring.”

My godfather looks over his shoulder at me, leaving the choice to me, and I say, “Okay.” It’s better to explain to Octavius that he can’t tell anyone anything than having him run his mouth off to Santiago. I think he likes him more than me.

“You’re hurt.” Octavius walks farther into the room as Uncle Lucian leaves. “Very badly.”

“Yeah. It’s a secret.”
