Page 119 of Reckless Obsession

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When she rolls her eyes, I pull her into me again. “Keep rolling those eyes. It only reminds me how you looked when you came all over my cock buried inside you.”

“My God,” she mutters. “I missed that dirty talk.”

The mood lightens between us, and I relax. “It’s meant to wear you down.”

Inside my office, Jillian sits stiffly in a chair, illustrating what my honesty has done to her.

She takes out a folder and hands it to me. “Can you please look at the revised brief and see if you can come up with anything else to add?”

I read, and we sit in silence while she keeps checking her phone. A sadness hovers over her, and I feel like a dirtbag.

She’s waiting to hear from Johnny. Fuck, I wanted to scare her away from him. But she’s drawn me into another game, and I have to see it through.

“Hoping for a call from the office?” I ask to be a brat.

She looks up then shoves the phone away. “No.”

“What’s up, sparkles?” I flip over the brief she revised, ignoring how seamless her words melt with mine.

We’re so perfect for each other.


Liar liar, now my cock is on fire.

She wants Johnny—who’s really me, to fuck her face.

She wants to be throat fucked as punishment for being with another man.

I guess I’ll have to give her what she wants.

It’s useless to concentrate on this bullshit case. I need to fuck this woman. Tossing the folder, I say, “You can go, this will take me some time to review.”

Her eyes lift to mine. “Daniel needs—”

“I need to be home with my family in a couple of weeks, sparkles.” My harsh tone makes her tense. “Sorry. I had a rough night sleeping. I flew in and out of here in two days.”

She holds her head up high and grabs her briefcase. “I understand.”

For a moment, I see the kind of man I really am in her eyes. The kind that frightens people.

Fuck, I hate this wall between us. “I need to set up a meeting with the Borgias.”

“Be careful,” she whispers.

“Aw. Don’t worry about me. But if for some reason their asshole underboss mentions the case to me since I am a lawyer, I’ll tell you. We can regroup.”

“I have back-to-back investigator meetings all week. I can’t come again until Friday.”

I hold her gaze. “I can make you come again right now. Stay and have dinner with me.”

She breaks our eye contact first. “No. I can’t. I’m sorry.”

“Not as sorry as I am.” Because I wanted to tell her my hunch about those fucking witnesses, but I keep that to myself.

It’s the key to cracking this whole Borgia scheme wide open. They’ll be out for blood when and if they find out the state is on to them.

Looking pale, she gets up, gripping her briefcase. “I’ll see you Friday.”
