Page 137 of Reckless Obsession

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No matter what I do, he’ll be her Danny-boy and shine more brightly in her eyes. I’ve figured out a long time ago she harbors guilt for taking him away from his father. And maybe not being strong enough to deal with an abusive man.

I only remember my father being good to Daniel, but I’m clear-eyed enough to know men of power keep painful truths away from women.

“I don’t think Danny is coming. He gave me the time off to be here with you and get you all squared away.”

“Are you sleeping with that Irishman?” she whispers. She doesn’t know I was a virgin until a few weeks ago.

Shifting uncomfortably, I say, “Is that important?”

“The way he looks at you, you better give him what he needs and fast.” She pats my hand. “A man like that…”

“Won’t wait for a fat girl like me?” I snap.

“Whoa?” Eoghan steps into the room. “Jillian isn’t fat, Mrs. Diamond. She’s bleedin’ perfect.”

Mom turns red. “I didn’t say that, lad. She did. All I said was you’re handsome, and you look like you have money. And have your act together. I assume you’re in demand.”

“I sure am in demand.” He shoves hands into his pockets. “But I only have eyes for your daughter.”

“I know what I’m doing,” I whisper to Mom.

Do I?

Not really.

“Are we going to speak to her doctor?” I look to Eoghan.

“Good news and bad news.” He smiles.

My heart pounds, thinking the insurance denied the surgery, and Eoghan changed his mind about paying.

Holding Mom’s hand, I say, “Just spill both. Please.”

Eoghan’s lips snarl at my saying please. The man is walking sexual adrenaline. “Good news is, I’ve squared away the hip replacement from a top surgeon who studied at Cornell.”

“You did?” Mom gasps. “Cornell?”

“And?” I say, bracing myself. “What’s the bad news?”

“He’s not affiliated with this farce of a hospital. We’re breaking you out of here, Elena.”



Inever realized just how alone I’ve been all these years. Then I’m smacked in the face with what it’s like when someone in your life picks up the pieces when you’ve fallen apart.

Not that I’ve fallen apart, but I’m not a medical expert. Which is why it’s so hard to navigate a loved-one’s care.

An administrator comes in within minutes of Eoghan’s announcement with discharge papers. After I read them, I pass them on to Mom to sign.

I notice the referring doctor for the transfer:

Dr. Darragh O’Rourke

The administrator leaves, and I say, “How could your brother refer this?”

“He got licensed in Nevada when he bought the villa.”
