Page 159 of Reckless Obsession

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A knock sounded on the apartment door, and I closed my eyes, figuring it was the new guards for Balor, which he would surely hate. But that meant Lach would kill Hayden soon.

It felt surreal. The life ahead of me was right there. That night. I was ready.

“Eoghan, we’re leaving,” Lachlan shouted from the foyer.

I fisted that address and stuck it inside my pocket. “Did the doctor leave you any pain pills?”

“Aye,” Balor said.

“Do you want me to stay with you?” I asked, even though I had classes the next day.

“I’m fine. Get out of here. I appreciate you coming all this way.” He fist-bump/hugged me.

I left him alone, preparing myself for what I was about to witness if Lachlan let me watch. I hoped he did, because I wanted to run the enforcer team with him, be his second-in-command.

What the hell else was I supposed to do for my da? Kieran would be King, Riordan his underboss, Lach his enforcer, Balor his cyber and weapons expert.

I needed to prove right there, right then, I had what it took to protect my family, too.

Nodding to the two new guards, dressed all in black, I pointed to what was Hayden’s bedroom. “In there, guys.”

Balor would do his own introductions. He’d tell them how he wanted to be treated. But Da had flown these guys in from Ireland. They had their marching orders.

Lachlan and Hayden were smiling, laughing as they walked down the hallway. What on earth did Lachlan tell this guy? Why was he willingly going with us?

“I can really use a few days in Florida to recover, Lachlan,” Hayden said when we got outside. “Tell your da thank you for the plane ticket and the accommodations. It gets cold as fuck up here.”

No kidding, I thought as I braced against the icy wind coming off the Charles River.

“Where are you parked?” Lachlan asked Hayden.

“Just over there in that empty lot.” He took out his fob and pressed it. “I don’t like anyone having a lock on where I park.”

“Smart,” Lachlan said.

A four-door, baby blue Crown Victoria’s lights flashed with two chirps. The guy ogled it proudly. But when he took a step toward it, Lachlan buried a slug into the back of his head.

The guy fell forward, and I jumped out of the way.

“Fucking fuck, Lachlan.” I whipped my head around, searching for witnesses. “You kill the dosser here? What are we doing with the body?”

“Nothing. This gun is untraceable. Someone will find him.” He reached down and snatched the guy’s wallet. “There are plenty of murders in this town. This will just look like another one.”

“What about cameras?”

“Da is taking care of that.” He tugged my arm. “Let’s go.”

We turned a corner and Lachlan leaned back to chuck the guy’s keys, but I stopped him. “Wait.”

“Eoghan, you’re starting to—”

“I have the names and address of the guys who attacked Balor,” I said, pulling us into a shadowed alley.

Lachlan’s scar-ravaged cheek twitched. The guy loved the smell of blood. “Da said—”

“Da’s not here, is he?” I got up in his face, pushing on my tippy toes, the fucker was so tall. “Let me level set who I am. What I can do for the family. I won’t let anyone fuck with us.” I grabbed the keys to the Crown Vic.

“Where are you going?”
