Page 17 of Reckless Obsession

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Hardening my gaze, I say to Vance, “Unless you want female voters to know that she was held against her will in a motel for months while she was pregnant and not one goddamn police officer or social worker helped her.”

Vance’s feet fly off the desk, knocking a framed photo to the carpet. “She was held against her will by your brother!” He points to Cormac.

“Irrelevant. You didn’t charge him with that.” I narrow my eyes at Vance, who stands a full head shorter than me.

“She refused to submit testimony to warrant the charges.”

Exhaling and wanting to strangle Cormac myself, I say, “If you don’t—”

“Are you threatening me?”

“Just laying out my position.” I shove my hands into my pockets.

I have the means to get my brother out of the country, but I can’t have a bounty on his head for the rest of his life.

Vance takes a breath and looks like he’s ready to throw me out when his phone rings. Ignoring me, he picks it up and his head falls into his hands.

Being director of the Fraud and Corruption Unit in Las Vegas means he’s up to his eyeballs in bad actors. All the more reason to dismiss Cormac and Ana’s cases. Why the fuck doesn’t he see that?

I shake my arms to get loose, because I’m about to get vocal on this asshole and grab his fat neck.

Vance hangs up the phone. “I’ll make you a deal, O’Rourke.”

“I don’t make deals.” I fold my arms and tighten my jaw to signal he’s on thin ice.

“I’ll make sure my prosecutor dismisses the case against your brother here.” Vance barely acknowledges Cormac’s presence standing right next to me.

His eyes feast on me, and I’m about to find out why as I wait for the punchline…

“Spit it the fuck out, Vance.”

“You seem to know a lot about my Cosa Nostra problem.”

“And I don’t want it to become my Cosa Nostra problem.”

Today’s peace can always erupt into tomorrow’s war.

“And since you’re engaged in the same business as them, I—”

“I don’t hire hitmen to kill a family and abduct women, Vance.”

“I have a case that’s lost for lack of a better word. Money laundering.”


He smirks. “You have a nice little operation in Astoria, don’t you?”

Little? We’re fucking billionaires. “Go on.”

“I’m sure you don’t want ATF sniffing around.” Vance sits down. “You’re good, O’Rourke. But it’s just you advising your family. You’re a one-man-band.”

Not really, I have a few junior attorneys working for me and a handful of paralegals who keep all our properties and holdings legal.

My brother, Lachlan, kills the real threats. Literally.

Since our competitors are all businessmen on the outside, I dig into the law and find ways to manipulate our deals. I also manage our finances because I don’t trust anyone with our money.

And…a large part of my finance operation is money laundering.
