Page 171 of Reckless Obsession

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I jump up and spin around to open the door, victory flaring in my lungs as I turn the knob and get a whiff of the spearmint-smelling hallway.

Only, the door snaps shut, and I’m pinned with my face pressed against it.

“Surprise.” Lazaro yanks me around to face him.

My eyes scan his broad shoulders and height that match Johnny’s.

“You knew who I was all along, and you still slept with me?” I ask.

Which has my brain twitching, why didn’t he kill me that first night? Unless he planned to but decided to wait and have some fun because I was such a good lay.

But my eyes stop at his signature open shirt that reveals a thick carpet of dark chest hair.


Johnny didn’t have chest hair. Lazaro could have had it waxed. To throw me off since this Vegas player is known for these half-buttoned shirts and matted body hair.

His pungent cologne is legendary. Perhaps why he never wore anyway.

He tricked me. He knows my dirty secrets. And plans to use them against me.

“What do you want?” I ask, playing dumb.


“You had me. I told you, I’m with…” I can’t say Eoghan’s name, it’s too risky. “I’m with someone else.”

Someone who will blow your fucking head off for touching me.

“I don’t care who you think is in love with you.” He grabs my ass. “With all this.”

I roll my eyes. I had Italian men pegged for loving big girls.

I guess not when all he sees are gorgeous, skinny naked women on stage every night.

“You can do whatever you want with me. It won’t change our case against you.” I don’t mention the dead witnesses. “Daniel Vance, my boss—”

“You mean your brother…”

I’m not shocked he knows of our family tie. I’d be disappointed if he didn’t. These families have hackers and investigators to always stay one step ahead.

The Scava firewall… Shit.

“Yes, my brother,” I say, shoulders back. “Who will go at you even harder if you lay a finger on me.”

“Your brother is a stupid corrupt asshole who doesn’t even know his office is bugged,” Scava says with a grin.

If his office is bugged then they know…

They know we figured out they’re killing witnesses.

But was I set up?

It all flashes at me. Why Daniel let them throw sand in the gears, accepting these delays. Then made Eoghan look into the case.

Was that insurance? If someone got to Daniel about how to beat them? He’d give up Eoghan?

Ignite a war between the two families?
