Page 179 of Reckless Obsession

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“Where are you going?” Eoghan grabs Taryn’s shoulder from behind.

“A secure entrance.” Taryn holds up a card. “You can’t get in without a key.”

“They’re gonna break through that,” Eoghan mutters.

“That will set off alarms and send airport security to give us cover,” Taryn says.

“Shane, is the plane ready to go?” Eoghan asks his Irish friend.

“Aye.” Shane gets on his phone. “Yo, brat, we’re three minutes out. Got hitmen on our tail.”

“Who else is on the plane?” Eoghan asks him.

“Griffin,” Shane answers.

“Who’s Griffin?”

“My brother,” Shane answers.

“They’re with me.” Eoghan smiles, the wind flying through his hair, too, making him handsome, and me a mess.

We get to the gate, and Taryn waves the key. The arm opens and we fly through, just missing it.

I spin around, feeling my hands press on the shards of glass. Sure enough, the lead SUV busts through the gate. And alarms are screaming.

“There!” Eoghan yells.

A massive hangar comes into view and as we get closer, the nose of a Bombardier jet inches out.

Oh my God, we’re going to have to run for the fucking plane.

“Hold my hand. Do not let go, do you understand?” Eoghan says through clenched teeth.

He lied to me.

He played a game with me.

I’m struggling with that. And I’m confused.

But he loves me.

And I believe him.

We’re going to have a serious talk on that damn plane—if we make it.

We better because I love him, too.

I squeeze his hand. “Where you go, I go.”



“I’m screeching this thing to a halt. You all get out,” Taryn says, looking at us in the rearview.

We stop so violently that Jillian and I nearly fly into the front seat of the unmarked police cruiser.

“Go!” Taryn yells.
