Page 183 of Reckless Obsession

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“Don’t touch it.” He goes to a drawer and comes back with tweezers.

“I assume you know CPR and other lifesaving measures?”

“Tourniquets and stuff, yeah.” He smiles. “We leave the real medicine to Darragh and Cormac.”

“I want to meet Darragh and thank him for what he did for my mother.” I wince as the shard is removed.

Eoghan gently applies ointment and a band aid. “You will, love. You’ll meet everyone.”

“And his wife, Ana? The one I was trying to put in jail?”

“You were doing your job.” His voice is stern like he accepts what I did.

We settle into a stare. “You lied to me.”

“I pretended to be someone I wasn’t. Not the same thing.”

“You hacked my hook-up app.”

“I refused to let anyone else touch you. I told you when you bled on my cock, you were mine.”

I think about that. “And you pretended to be a man on my app to give me the fantasies I wanted because…”

“I knew I’d give you exactly what you wanted and needed.”

“And it was you every time?” A part of me worries Scava…


“How can you be sure?”

“Because one way or another, I had eyes on you, sparkles.”

My mind calculates that when Eoghan wasn’t around, neither was Johnny. The real one.

“You used different condoms?” My heart pounds, thinking I’d see some realization in his eyes that Scava had been with me one time.

But he smiles. “I did that on purpose to throw you off. I promise you, sparkles. No one else was fucking touching you.”

“When were you going to tell me?” I ask anyway.

“In fifty years.”


“I’m kidding, sparkles. I don’t know. I wanted to wait for the right moment. I was just too late.”

“I haven’t heard an apology…” I touch my ear and lean in.

“I did nothing wrong,” he says sternly, then exhales. “But if you want an apology, I’m sorry.”

“You’re just saying that.”

“I can write it in the sky.” He moves toward the curtains. “Get the pilot to do loops and spell it out.”

“No!” I cry out and grab him.

The plane hits turbulence at that exact moment and we tumble onto the bed, me under him.
