Page 19 of Reckless Obsession

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My stomach twists. “Supervised?”

“Yes, I know just the deputy who you’ll work with. A real eager…beaver.” He winks and reaches for his phone. “This meeting is over. Your brother’s case goes in front of the judge in an hour.”

This asshole has no hold over me. “Sure,” I say, lying.

Once Cormac is free, and I clean up his loose ends, I’m fucking out of here.



So now you know how I got here… And why I’m still here.

Devil, thy name is Jillian Diamond.

Jillian sighs heavily when I lift myself from her warm, naked body. God, I was crushing her. I’m massive compared to her. And she thinks she’s heavy. She’s round and perfect. Fits in my hands like a damn dream.

I pull off the rubber coated in streaks of blood, and a vein pulses hot in my neck. Jillian’s never been with anyone.

Just me.


A tempest of evil swims in my veins, my O’Rourke blood pumping like molten lava under my skin.

But what the fuck?

I took one look at her earlier today and my soul rearranged. One damn look. I had to have her. Consume her and leave.

But this…

I stare at the blood again. Her initiation into womanhood was with me. I’m the only man to breach that sweet cunt. I blink, worrying when I leave here, I won’t be the only one.

She’s fucking mine. Now she’s mine…

After getting dressed, I slip on my suit jacket and turn to look at my conquest.

Jillian is burrowed under the bedcovers, sleeping soundly, passed out from two orgasms and the booze she drank. Long strands of that sexy-as-fuck ice-blonde hair splays out on the pillow.

The room reeks of my cologne and sex.


If only I knew when I slammed my cock inside her, I’d imprint on her life forever. The twist? She imprinted on me right back.

Everyone remembers their first. I’ve just ensured Jillian will always remember me. I’ve not been any other woman’s first. Her blood on my dick is my initiation into the realm of the lifetime memory club.

I take my share of women to bed. Have a steady rotation who know not to expect anything other than a grand old time. I fuck them hard and leave them whimpering. I don’t kiss and I don’t cuddle.

Like I did with Jillian.

I never expected a one-night stand would stop me in my tracks, stop my heart.

No one has. Yet, here I am.

That smear of blood tortures me. I was already fighting how much I wanted her the moment I laid eyes on her in court this afternoon. And then to find out she was a virgin and chose me to be her first?

I debate waking her up, shaking her, telling her she belongs to me for the foreseeable future. I could tie her up, bring her back to New York, move her into my loft, and make her fall in love with me.
