Page 194 of Reckless Obsession

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“Eoghan and I…” I don’t know for sure if I’m pregnant, but Eoghan’s made it clear to Nico I am. “We’re together.”

“Is he marrying you?”

I smile up at the gorgeous man next to me. “I hope so.”

“Then you’re moving to New York?”

“Looks that way,” I say with a smile.

Eoghan presses lips to my forehead. “It’s fast, I know, sparkles. I’ll make everything wonderful for you. For us. I promise.”

“Nico assured me I’m safe to return.” I sink into him. “And I have to see Mom.”

“Who I can’t get ahold of. There’s a bodyguard answering her phone.”

I glance at Eoghan. “Let’s meet there in a day or two. I’ll update her on what’s going on.”

“Jillian, always remember, I am your brother. I am your blood.”

Overhearing Daniel getting forceful with me, Eoghan rips the phone from my hand.

“You listen to me, Vance. Your sister is going to be my wife, that means she is loyal to me first as I will be to her. Your office is bugged. You have a mole. You assigned her a case that put a bounty on her head.” Eoghan’s whole body tightens with anger. “You and I are going to have to figure out a way to get along for Jillian’s and your mother’s sake. She’s got these delusions about what a good guy you are.”

“You’re one to talk, O’Rourke,” Daniel yells so loud I hear it.

“Her safety is up to me. Don’t think for one minute that you are safe in that city. You go make your deal with Nico Scava, but we’ve proven today, empires can change crowns in a manner of seconds. Whatever Scava’s price on your soul, just remember, the Cosa Nostra will put a bullet in your head without a second thought. And they have the cyber capabilities to cover it up. Lazaro was sloppy. Nico isn’t, and will clean up his brother’s mess. Enjoy the life Nico wants to give you every day. Because every day could be the last. And if you ever want any kind of help from me, my family, you treat me and my wife with respect. And you know what?” Eoghan smiles at me. “You better start figuring out how to grovel when you see me and Jillian. I’m giving her back the phone. You better be there when we go to Reno to see your mother.”

Eoghan puts the phone back in my hands.

“It’s me again. You’re clear on where we stand now?” I say coolly and don’t wait for a response. “When I get myself together from the day I had, I’ll call you back to schedule a visit with Mom.”

I end the call and squeeze the cell in my fist.

“I’m proud of you, sparkles.” Eoghan holds me tight.

I catch a whiff of cologne and sense a hulking man a few feet away. His brother, Darragh, in a sharp suit is six-foot with golden blond hair, and is stupidly handsome watching us.

The twin doctors…

After digging into Cormac’s barbaric violations to prosecute him, the sight of Darragh unsettles me. Despite his lack of visible tattoos, the twins still look so much alike.

“Darragh?” I address him despite my unease. “Can I call you Darragh? Seeing as calling you Mr. O’Rourke will just cause confusion.”

He grins. “Of course.”

“How is your wife? She had her baby?”

“We had our baby,” he says firmly. “And she’s great. Thank you for asking.”

“I look forward to meeting her, hopefully under better circumstances.”

“You’ll meet her, since she’ll be your sister. And everyone else, too.” Eoghan puts his arm around me and then lays a gentle kiss on my lips. “If it’s okay with you, Riordan, I’d like to show Jillian my apartment and let her get some rest. We had some fucking horrific day.”

“To say the least,” Lachlan says. “I’ll drive you. Then I’m heading to the black site to let everyone know we’re safe.”

His words cut through me. They weren’t safe because of me.

But now because of Eoghan and his family, I’ll be safe for the rest of my life.

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