Page 201 of Reckless Obsession

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Balor’s been in Australia for almost two weeks. I vaguely remember hearing that he was flying back today. He wanted Kieran’s plane, but it’s too long of a flight for us to be without a private jet. We’ve learned a lesson last month how valuable it is.

With five of us married now, and wives who like to travel, it looks like it’s time to get a second one.

“I’ll see you in about an hour,” Trace says and then puts his phone away. “Eoghan, Balor has arranged for me to take the plane to Los Angeles.”

“Los Angeles?” I ask.

“He’s there on a layover. Wants the plane to get back to Astoria.”

Jillian and I are here for a few days, so we don’t need it. Shrugging, I say, “Go ahead.”

All it means is I’ll have one bodyguard, not two. I can protect my wife all by myself, but appearances are more important than my pride.

“Is Balor all right?” Jillian steps in Trace’s path.

His back goes ramrod straight. “He is. He…asked me not to say why he needs me.”

My jaw ticks, and I call Balor immediately myself. “Mate, what’s up?”

“Nothing,” he says out of breath. “I’m sorry to pull Trace from you, but I can’t wait for my layover flight. I need to get home immediately.”

“Why? What’s going on?”

“Don’t worry about it. See you back in Astoria.” He ends the call.

“Trace, get to the airport,” I tell him.

“Rhys, I’ll see you at Griffin’s meeting in a few days,” Trace salutes to his brother.

“Aye,” Rhys answers, all brusque and mysterious.

Trace leaves and I shake my head, unable to let this go.

“Jillian, get my laptop, please.” I point to my duffle.

She takes it out and signs me into the villa’s Wi-Fi. “Here.”

I log into Balor’s bank accounts and his credit cards that I manage. I spy on him this way.

“What are you looking for?” Jillian gets a glass of water and sits next to me on the white plush leather sectional.

“Something that will tell me why Balor needs the plane and a bodyguard. He could have just asked for the plane.” Something’s off, and it has the hair on the back of my neck standing up.

His credit card shows the hotel bill he paid in Sydney. Sure, his cards work. I don’t blink an eye at the obscene amount he spent.

It’s the other hotel charge that raises my suspicion.

Pending: JW Marriot

We’re all spoiled and savor the finer things. But Balor had a five-hour layover, time he could have spent in the Executive Lounge. Balor is a workaholic. I’m shocked he’d waste valuable time to work by leaving the airport in the first place.

Something made him want to check into that expensive hotel during his layover.

Or someone… My cheek ticks.

A devilish guffaw rumbles in my chest. I hop over to the screen of his recent debit card purchases. My jaw drops at the size of one cash advance.

