Page 39 of Reckless Obsession

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That’s true.

Licking his lips, he adds, “Daniel made me promise to help him in exchange for my brother’s release. Like you, I’m here out of duty. Why not make the best of things while we’re both stuck together in Sin City and fuck our brains out?”

“Mr. O’Rourke.”

“Now I’m Mr. O’Rourke.” He smiles devilishly. “I won’t lie, calling me that while you come on my cock would be hot as fuck, sparkles.”


“You’re also pronouncing my name wrong.” He gets closer. “I let it go because it adds to the sexiness of us not really knowing each other.”

“How… How do you pronounce it?”


“Oh.” I laugh.

“My name is funny, sparkles?”

“No, but I like the pronunciation in my head better.” I saw the E and the g and ignored the o.

Until he gave me one. Shit.

“You can say it however you like, so long as I’m deep inside you when you scream it.”

“I can’t have sex with you again.” I wish he knew how much that hurt to say.

“Why? State your case, Counselor.” He skates his nose along my neck.

Yeah, why?

“Your Honor…” I push him away. “I’d like to enter into evidence Exhibits A and B.”

“Granted,” he drawls low and sultry.

“Exhibit A- you’ve signed on to be outside counsel for our office. Defense attorneys these days love to put us on trial, saying we’re compromised if we’re fucking each other.”

Eoghan’s jaw jumps and his eyes zero in on my mouth. “Thoughtful and provocative. But Daniel promised to keep my involvement a secret.”

I think about that and go to deliver another argument, but Eoghan moves on from that one.

“Exhibit B,” he barks.

I consider a well-worn strategy women use to get a man off their back. Show too much interest. “Exhibit B- once you’ve given Daniel what he wants, you’ll be on the next flight back to New York.”

Two well-manicured fingers land on my lips. “I’m not sure I can let that happen.”


“You stay here while I fly…” His tongue peeks out from lush lips. “Fly back to New York. Alone.”

“Why not?”

“Did I not make myself clear a few minutes ago?” His hands skate down to my ass. “I took your virginity. That. Makes. You. Mine.”


