Page 43 of Reckless Obsession

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“All criminals need to be punished in some way. Maybe not jail. That’s why there’s probation. Fines.”

“Your brother doesn’t know shit about why I stuck around. I’m here because I also need to settle Cormac’s debts.”

And to tie you to my bed and fuck you again and again, sparkles.

Somewhere in between, I need to pay a visit to Lazaro Scava, the Borgia underboss, who made a shitty deal with Cormac then sent a hitman to kill Darragh as punishment.

We’re no match for the Borgias, threats against his house to get even won’t fly. But to ignore what they did to Darragh is a sign of weakness.

Vance is taking a swing at them. We may be a smaller house, but big empires like Borgia have enemies. Enough of them will form a coalition.

Pushing my personal vendettas out of my head, I say to Jillian, “It looks like you have your first motion.”

I pull out my laptop.

“Wait!” Jillian lifts out of the seat and then bends over to dig through her briefcase on the bronze leather sofa.

Fuck, that arse is going to be the death of me.

“Daniel said to write your notes on this.” She holds out a Chromebook.

Rolling my eyes, I signal to put it down. “When is the next hearing?”

“Not for three weeks. That’s why Daniel needs this brief to argue in court before the statute runs out.”

“Looks like we’ve got work to do, sparkles.” I drill her with a stare. “Last chance to get messed up in my sheets. How about we clear our heads and spend all weekend in my bed?”

Her lips part and my heart stops, thinking she’s about to say yes, but her phone dings. Her hazel eyes drift that way, and her smile widens…

The fucking dating app.

“Can’t. I have a thing tomorrow night.”

Anger floods my veins. She figured out how to turn off the BLOCK feature.


Her eyes flutter and heat rushes to my cock. “Book club.”

“Book club?”

Biting her lip, she says, “In fact, I need to stay in tonight and listen to the audiobook because I didn’t get a chance to read it.”

“What’s the name of the book?”

She tilts her head. “Why?”

“Curious to see what you like to read.”

“Some Chick-Lit, sisters fighting thing.” A blush stains her cheeks when she lies.

I’ve already looked at her Audible App.

It’s nothing but smut.

“What time is your meeting?” I fold my arms, knowing I’ll check her calendar.

I’ve moved all her information to a burner phone that syncs every few minutes with her phone. What she sees I see. What she does, I know. What she reads, or listens to…
