Page 47 of Reckless Obsession

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I’ve never been on a fucking horse, unless Lachlan counts. We used to dogpile him as kids, all four of us. Me, Kieran, Riordan, and Balor. Not Darragh and Cormac, they were wee-ones. And not my sister, Shea-Lynne. She thought we were smelly brats. Which we were.

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Warning- Nude profile photos will be removed and accounts closed without refunds.

Sexy photos are permitted in the text feature. Please post and sext responsibly.

I shudder to think what if I had to use an app to actually find women. Although, technically, I am. One woman.



Digging through Darragh’s desk, I find a ruler.

I yank out my cock, still rock hard from Jillian’s perfume, all her luscious hair, and curvy body. I give myself a few cursory strokes. With the sun streaming in a certain way, I angle the camera to pick up a shadow on the ruler to show how big I am.

Laughing, if I lean forward, the shadow extends beyond the twelve inches.

I don’t want to scare the poor woman. And I already told her I was ten inches, so I lean back until the head of my cock, which is silhouetted perfectly, hovers right at the eight and half inch mark.

Holding my phone just so…



I guess this is what they mean by catfishing.

Success! Now leave a short personal message. (100 characters or less)

I will make your sexual fantasies a mind-blowing orgasmic reality.

Ha, thirty characters to spare, but I don’t need to say any more. Once I slide into Jillian’s DM, I’ll chat her up the same way I talk to her in person. She’s so fucking feral for it, nothing else will matter.

Success! You can now browse other singles in your area.

I type in some metadata so Jillian’s profile comes up on my app.

And there she is. Gemma7

“You are so mine, sparkles.”



Saturday morning, while running a vacuum in sweats, I listen to the book, Love in the Shadows, an erotic thriller that my book club decided on, which is more erotic than thrilling, but the spice is pretty spectacular.

Everything reminds me of Eoghan. Before I slept with him, I couldn’t wait to live out the sex scenes in these books and now they all seem tame in comparison to the real thing.

Still, I figure out how to increase the playback speed, skipping the many sex scenes because Eoghan and I did a much better job so I get to the end of the book in a few hours.

“That was predictable.” Tossing my earbuds off, I undress for the shower.

I’m not really friends with anyone in the group, but I make chit chat when we get together during the meal. Winona, our book club host this month, always puts out a good spread, so I only eat a light lunch.

I’m going to lose any chance of making friends because I won’t be able to help snorting later when they talk about the spice in Shadows being top tier.
