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His voice, which hasn't changed all that much since he was a young boy, sends a pang through me. There is no denying it. This is my son. "I didn't think you would answer."

"I didn't either," Carlo admits. "But I figure you've been trying for a long time to reach me. Might as well get it over with."

"Carlo," I begin. "Son."

"Save your fatherly lectures," Carlo snorts. "I don't give a fuck."

"I wasn't going to lecture you," I reply. "I'm going to tell you the naked truth because even if you're fucking up royally right now, you're still my kid. At this point, you have to know that Daisy came to me for protection. I had no idea until she showed up that you were in such deep shit, Carlo. Do you really think the Cirilo family is just going to welcome you with open arms when you owe them so much? There are no 'Falcone secrets' big enough to pay off a debt like that. They're using you to try and drive a wedge in the family, hoping to make us weak. Nothing more."

"That's not true," Carlo retorts. "Daisy is a liar, and?—"

"She's not a liar. She's a victim. We both know she didn't steal shit from you. Retract the hit, Carlo, and I'll give you the tools to disappear for a few years. The Cirilos are weak. Once they realize I'm on to them, they're going to dispose of you and crawl back into the hole they came from because there is no way they can face us head to head. Not a chance."


"Carlo," I begin again. "Retract the hit, and we can work?—"

"I said no," Carlo snarls, his voice thick with rage. "Daisy is a dirty, thieving whore, and she needs to learn a fucking lesson. Once she's dealt with, I can show the Cirilos my worth. My allegiance has to be worth more than my debt. They'll see that I'm the only Falcone that matters. I'm the one worth working with. I'm the man who will carry on the Falcone name."

"Fuck, Carlo, do you even hear yourself? What are you going to do if they kill her and you and discover not only did Daisy not have your money, but you aren’t taking over the family anytime soon?”

Carlo scoffs. "I know Daisy has a little nest egg she was hiding from me. Enough to pay off my debts. I'm sure she didn't tell you about it, though."

"I know about it," I snap. "It’s barely anything, Carlo. And she worked hard as hell for it. Don’t think you can surprise me. I know everything. Now, I'm going to offer this to you one more time. Call the hit off and I'll give you everything you need to go underground for a few years. I have no doubt the Cirilos will burn themselves out soon enough anyway."

Carlo laughs, harshly. "You have nothing to offer me. You're not the man you used to be, Dad."

"Don't test me." The warning in my voice is obvious, but I can't help it. He's my son, but he's also a dumb fuck and a danger to Daisy.

"Why are you so worried about one girl?" His voice grows suspicious, and then it all clicks for Carlo, and he laughs, but the sound is filled with fury. "Oh my God. You're fucking her, right? You know she's only twenty?!"

"Keep Daisy's name out of your filthy mouth," I hiss.

"Of course. Of course," Carlo sneers. "She's a hot piece of ass, so why wouldn't you want to tap that? Doesn't surprise me. I bet she's good at spreading her legs and making herself useful, isn't she?"

The red tide of anger rises in me again. "Careful, Carlo."

"Daisy never put out for me, but it figures she would for you when she needed protecting! You've gone soft in your old age."

"Carlo, I swear to fucking?—"

The line goes dead, and I throw my phone across the balcony, shattering it.

Rage courses through my veins, and I want nothing more than to strangle Carlo with my bare hands. How dare he speak that way about Daisy or insinuate that she's anything but the angel she is?

I thought calling Carlo would bring me closer to resolving the situation, but all it's done is make me angrier and more eager to take Daisy as my own. To protect her from my son's vengeance. To make her mine in every possible way.

* * *

After my conversation with Carlo, I'm so full of violent energy that I have to leave the house to get some fucking air. I head to the safe house where we're storing the Cirilo goon and decide to give my team some time off so I can do the interrogating myself.

He's tied to a metal chair in a pitch-black room, and he jumps when I flip the lights on. I circle him, my jaw clenched, my fingers twitching, and the rage still so strong in me that I can barely see straight.

"Let's make this quick," I growl. "Tell me everything about the Cirilo family."

The man looks up, his eyes wide.

"I-I'm not a real member!" he stammers. “Just an associate!”
