Page 44 of No Secrets

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Holy fucking yes, please.


Roman plopped down in the leather chair that faced Wander’s massive oak desk, the scent of aged books filling his nostrils. Not his brother’s books, Roman would bet. Probably Jesse’s or whichever relative he’d inherited this mansion from. Light filtered through half-closed blinds, casting striped patterns over an oriental rug that had seen better days. Wander’s desk was a landscape of organized chaos—stacks of files teetered on the edge, a silver pen set lay untouched next to a blotter, and a framed black-and-white photograph of their parents rested against a lampstand.

“We need to talk.”

Wander slowly turned his chair around. “And a good morning to you as well.”

Roman sighed. “Yeah, whatever. Good morning and all that.”

“I see you’re in a fine mood today.”

“It’s fucking Monday morning. What did you expect?”

Wander crossed his arms. “Considering your fun in the gym yesterday, not to mention the reprise in your shower, I would’ve expected you to be still floating on cloud nine, yeah?”

Roman rolled his eyes. “I see word got around.”

“If you don’t want people to know you’re banging Caleb, you may not wanna do it in public. Or moan so fucking loud in your shower they can hear it three doors down.”

Oops. Had he really been that vocal? “He’s very talented. Hard to hold back.”

“That he is.”

Oh, fuck. Of course. “Let’s agree never to mention again that you’ve fucked him too. That’s too weird.”

“I promise you that’s not the weirdest thing by far that’s happened in this house, but sure, I’ll keep quiet about it.”

Roman sat on the reading chair. “I like him.”

“I had an inkling.”

“You gave him permission to claim me.”

“He told you?”

“Yeah. Why didn’t you?”

Wander sighed. “Usually, I would have, but I wasn’t sure in this case. The connection between you and him is a little puzzling.”

“Tell me about it.”

“What’s going on, Ro?”

Roman struggled to articulate the chaos whirling inside him. “With everything going on, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. With Caleb.”

“Enjoy it?”

“Don’t be flippant about it.”

“That wasn’t my intention. But you may be taking this all too seriously.”

Roman didn’t respond.

“Oh. Oh.”

“Oh indeed. I haven’t felt like this… Well, ever. He makes me feel alive and wanted and sexy, and Jesus, I can’t even believe I’m saying this, and to you, of all people. I know you don’t care, but I’m not used to discussing my sex life with you.”

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