Page 53 of No Secrets

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“Yes, boss.”

And with that, they were preparing to make their next move in this high-stakes chess game, and all Roman could do was hope and pray they were ready for whatever countermove Whitman would make.


Caleb gripped the steering wheel of his rental car with sweaty hands as Boston’s skyline loomed ahead like a concrete giant. The rapid beat of his heart echoed the thrum of tires on asphalt. He was close now, the investigation hinging on his success at the job interview.

Caleb Lingle had become Cal Lawrence, complete with a backstory and proper ID. The background check wouldn’t be an issue—he’d made sure of that—and he barely looked like himself anymore now that he’d gone back to a buzz cut. His long hair had made him too recognizable, and even though it had hurt, he hadn’t hesitated in taking it off. He looked like Cal now, but would he be able to play the role required of him? Only time would tell.

He’d driven his own car until he was sure he wasn’t being tailed, then switched it for a rental with Massachusetts plates that wouldn’t stand out as much.

“Ex-military.” He tapped his fingers on the wheel. “Honorably discharged and moving with my boyfriend to Boston.” The backstory was frugal but solid, designed to raise no questions yet offer a respectful nod to his supposed service.

Another deep breath filled his lungs. He was doing this for Roman. An unexpected shiver ran down his spine. Caleb wanted nothing more than to keep him safe…and make him proud. God, he would miss him when he got the job. That was the biggest downside. He wouldn’t be able to commute. The three-hour drive was far too long. No, he’d have to stay in Boston and hate every night of it. That was a much higher price to pay than losing his hair.

He took the exit ramp that spiraled toward the heart of the city, the stark lines of office buildings like LEGO blocks on the horizon. Parking was easy, courtesy of the access code he’d received, and he parked in the garage under the building, then made his way up to the eleventh floor, where Coldrick Law resided.

He squared his shoulders, the weight of the whole team’s trust in him heavy. The reception area was all minimalist lines and cold efficiency. Behind a sleek desk sat a dark-haired woman with a headset typing furiously. She didn’t look up.

“I’m here for a job interview with Isabella Coldrick,” he said.

Her gaze flicked up, measuring him. Nodding curtly, she gestured toward the waiting area. “Have a seat. She’ll be with you shortly.”

Caleb perched on the edge of a black leather chair, its chill seeping through his clothes. The minutes crawled. He imagined Roman’s hand at the small of his back, grounding him. He focused on that imaginary warmth, letting it silence the doubts gnawing at his calm.

“Mr. Lawrence?”

Standing there was Isabella Coldrick, clad in a tailored suit that whispered power and control. Her handshake was firm, her skin warm against his own.

“Thank you for your patience,” she said, her smile professional yet genuine. “Shall we?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Caleb replied, following her.

The path to her office was a maze designed to intimidate, but Isabella Coldrick walked with graceful movements and a commanding presence. Her office was a contrast to the sterile hallways and waiting room—rich woods and deep reds with Japanese-style art on the walls. She invited him to sit across from her expansive desk.

“Your résumé is impressive,” Isabella said, her voice smooth as polished steel. “First, thank you for your service. What can you tell me about your time in the military?”

The way she worded that made it clear she understood he wouldn’t be able to tell her everything. Exactly why they’d chosen this for his background. “I was a cybersecurity officer stationed at the Pentagon for five years, ma’am. My specialty was preventing cyber-attacks by developing early warning systems or adapting commercially available systems for our purposes.”

“Why did you choose to enlist after your college degree? You could’ve worked anywhere.”

Lowell had been the one who had predicted this question, and he’d also given Caleb the perfect answer. “I felt a sense of duty to my country. I feel every young man should serve in the military for at least two years. It teaches discipline and structure, but it also instills a sense of purpose and a love for your country. I’m proud of my service and the way I was able to contribute to the safety of our country.”

“So why did you quit?”

“I decided not to reenlist because I’d met my boyfriend, now fiancé, and it was time for me to transition into civilian life.”

“Gotcha.” She leaned back. “I called Colonel Lewis, and he spoke very highly of you.”

“Thank you, ma’am. I’m glad to hear that.” Colonel Lewis had been Lowell, who had served in the military and knew the lingo to sell Caleb’s background.

“He said you were the brightest on his team.”

Caleb shuffled his feet. “That’s… Thank you, ma’am.” He laughed self-consciously. “The colonel certainly never shared that with me, but that’s the military for you.”

He’d been waiting for a moment to throw in a soft joke like that, and Isabella chuckled as if on cue. “Well, he certainly sang your praises to me. Said he was sorry to see you go.”

“Yes, ma’am.”
