Page 60 of No Secrets

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Isabella nodded, her eyes lighting up. “Exactly. Other than that, you will be doing some smaller daily tasks, like online research.”

Kids’ stuff for a man with his skills, but obviously, Caleb didn’t mention that. “Sounds good, ma’am.”

“At your advice, we’ve limited your role to read-only on most systems and files. If you need more access, please let us know. After your probation period, I have every intention of handing you the keys to the fortress, so to speak.”

By which time, Caleb hoped to be long gone, but they’d have to see. “Got it.”

The first day went by in a blur. Caleb did run an honest-to-god system check and was delighted to discover her security had holes the size of Texas. Any teenager with decent hacking skills would be able to breach it, a fact he conveniently left out of his first report, though he did point out the weak points of her system. When she read it, she frowned deeply, probably realizing the dangers.

“I’ll start fixing them tomorrow, ma’am,” Caleb promised her.

“Thank you. You’ve already done a lot of work on your first day.”

On the commute back to Miguel’s, Caleb mused about his new boss. She wasn’t as cold as he had expected. Ambitious and professional, yes, and he could picture her being cutthroat, but she’d also been kind and had said “thank you” and “please,” not something everyone did, Caleb knew from experience. Maybe his preconceived opinion of her had been influenced too much by the knowledge she was aiding Whitman.

Dinner was a lovely home-cooked meal of yummy quesadillas—his mom’s recipe, Miguel told Caleb. They ate together, sharing easy conversation. As soon as he retreated to his room, Caleb called Roman.

“Hey,” Roman said. “How was your first day?”

Oh, crap. Caleb should’ve probably reported to Wander first, his actual boss. “Can I call you back in, like, five minutes?”

Roman laughed. “Forgot to report to my brother?”

“Yes, Sir.” Caleb chuckled sheepishly. “I don’t want him to get upset with me.”

“I get it. Call him, and then we can chat, okay?”

Only after he’d ended the call did Caleb realize Roman hadn’t been surprised by the call. Maybe he’d hoped for it? Or…counted on it? Butterflies danced through Caleb’s stomach, a whole swirl of them. He called Wander.

“Hey, kid. How did it go?”

“Good, but no results yet.”

“Impatient much? I’m not expecting anything this week. It’ll take a while to gain her trust.”

“I know.” Caleb sighed. “But I was still hoping to, you know, find something.”

“Tell me your first impressions of her and how she runs her business.”

“Efficient, professional, but she’s not the bitch I expected her to be.”

“Okay, interesting. What else?”

Caleb shared his thoughts about Coldrick Law.

“Good start. Let’s talk again tomorrow.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Oh, and, Caleb?”


“Tomorrow, your first call had better be to me and not my brother, yeah?”

Caleb’s cheeks heated. “Yes, Sir.”

But Wander was laughing as he ended the call, so maybe he wasn’t actually upset? Still, not something Caleb intended to test. With a sigh, he dialed Roman’s number again.
