Page 83 of No Secrets

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“Your secretary accused you of sending inappropriate sexual messages.”

“She did, but I proved that I was in a meeting with several witnesses when those messages were sent, so they weren’t originated by me.”

“This interview is, by your own admission, not sanctioned by the Massachusetts Justice Department.”



“I never asked them for permission, knowing I wouldn’t get it. I have been stonewalled and thwarted by cops from within the Boston PD, coworkers, supervisors, and even FBI agents at every step in the investigation into Senator Whitman. It only proved to me how deep Senator Whitman’s influence extended.”

“Let me get this straight. You are accusing the senator of bribing people?”

“Yes. Bribing, paying them to look the other way, exchanging favors for favors, whatever you want to call it. He’s done whatever he could to frustrate my job.”

“Those are heavy accusations.”

“Yes, but I can back them up. I have collected a broad range of evidence over the last months, all leading to the inevitable conclusion that Senator Whitman is as dirty as they get.”

“Are you planning on bringing charges against him?”

“Me personally? No, I think that after this interview, that ship has sailed. I’m pretty sure that by the time we’re done, I will be fired. But I do hope my successor will have the courage to do the right thing and indict Senator Whitman. The evidence is overwhelming, so ignoring it would only prove the senator’s guilt.”

“That’s a high price to pay for the truth.”

Roman shrugged. “It’ll be worth it.”

“So why now? Why did you decide to go public?”

Roman swallowed. Moment of truth. “Because someone closely connected to the senator has threatened someone I love. My boyfriend.”

Her eyes widened. “I wasn’t aware you’re gay.”

“I’m not. I’m bisexual, though up until now, that isn’t something I’ve been open about.”

“But you’re in a relationship with a man now.”

“Yes, I am, but I won’t reveal his name or any details. All I will say is that he’s being threatened right now and I implore Senator Whitman not to add another charge to the already considerable list of felonies.”

She opened her mouth, then closed it again, narrowing her eyes. Roman could practically see her figuring it out and processing her next move. “We all hope for a peaceful solution for your partner,” she finally said smoothly.

“I appreciate that, Michelle. Thank you.”

After a few more questions, she finished the interview, and Roman leaned back in his chair.

“Off the record,” she said, “is your boyfriend in danger?”

Roman nodded. “The gravest danger imaginable.”

“That’s why you went public. You needed Whitman in the public eye.”

“Can you blame me?”

“No. I would’ve done the same thing. And between you and me, and still off the record, I’m not even a little bit surprised by your findings against him. Like you said, rumors have been circulating for years.”

“And now they’re not rumors anymore.”

She patted his hand. “Your boyfriend is in my thoughts, Roman. I hope it’ll all work out.”
