Page 91 of No Secrets

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Roman shifted in his seat. “They offered me my job back.”

Wander quirked an eyebrow. “Did they now?”

“I didn’t accept. Wasn’t even tempted.”

“The reactions to you coming out were positive.”

“I know, but I’m done anyway. Sooner or later, my role in all this will become known. My full role, I mean, and people will know I went outside the law. As a DA, that’s not a line you can cross. But even more importantly, I’m done living a life that is so limited by my job. I want to be with Caleb and spend the rest of my life with him…and as much time as possible. I can’t think of a better way to do that than to work for you, so if your offer still stands…”

Wander met his eyes. “You still trust me? You were the one who warned us about the risks, and we didn’t listen. Caleb paid the price for that.”

Roman put his hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Of course we trust you. Not just me, but Caleb too. We both know who’s truly at fault here, and it’s not you or anyone on your team.”

“Thank you.” Wander’s voice broke. “I feel like I let you down.”

Roman rose from his chair and pulled his brother into a tight embrace. “You didn’t. You helped me find my way out of this mess, and I’ll never forget it. Plus, indirectly, you helped me find a part of myself that I never knew I needed.”

Even during Caleb’s recovery, Roman had met with Master Mark for training, determined to keep his word. Caleb was nowhere near ready to do scenes again, but when he was, Roman would be prepared.

“I’m honored to have you on my team,” Wander said. “And even more honored to have you as my brother.”

“Same.” Roman hugged him again, holding on a little longer this time. “Same.”


Six Months Later

Naked, prepped, and lubed, Caleb knelt motionless by the bed, waiting for his Dom to arrive. His Master. His boyfriend. His whole world.

They’d grown so close after Caleb’s ordeal, as he referred to it. Roman hadn’t left his side, not even when the nightmares had started. He’d accompanied Caleb to the twice-a-week sessions with the trauma therapist, never once complaining. And when Caleb had thought he was ready to do a scene again but had safeworded after a few minutes, Roman had held him as Caleb had broken down. He’d been endlessly patient with him, never pushing him beyond what he could handle.

Now that the nightmares had subsided, he was able to do scenes again, and he was the happiest he’d ever been in his life with Roman by his side. He loved nothing more than to serve his Master, and he couldn’t wait to see what Roman had in store for him this time. They both loved impact play, but in his training, Roman had discovered other kinks as well, and Caleb was usually his willing partner in trying out anything new.

Footsteps tapped in the hallway, and Caleb breathed out, then stilled completely. The door opened and clicked shut, the heavy thud echoing in what had once been the room Roman stayed in and was now their joint bedroom.

Roman surveyed him, taking in every inch of Caleb’s taut body as if caressing the lines of muscle and skin. “So pretty,” he said hoarsely. “So goddamn beautiful.”

Caleb didn’t respond, content to stay on his knees, awaiting Roman’s command. His mind quieted. Nothing else existed but this moment, this man, this burning need to obey. This was where he belonged—on his knees, beneath Roman’s command, ready to submit to whatever desire Roman had.

“Tell me, precious, what do you want to do for me?”

The question was a test, a challenge wrapped in velvet tones. It set Caleb’s nerves alight, and a thrill laced through the obedience etched into his bones. He tilted his head up, baring his throat in submission, his voice steady despite the storm inside him.

“Anything you command, Sir. I exist to please you.” His words were a vow, spoken with the fervor of absolute devotion.


“Anything. Everything.” All Caleb needed was Roman’s command, and he would obey, his pleasure entwined with his submission.

“Get on the bed.”

Without hesitation, Caleb rose from his knees and climbed onto the bed, its sheets cool beneath his heated skin.

“Touch yourself for my pleasure,” Roman commanded, his voice a low growl that reverberated through Caleb’s core. “But you’re not to come. Not yet.”

Caleb sprawled back on the mattress, trailing his fingers down his chest, across the taut planes of his abdomen, to the straining heat between his thighs. He wrapped his hand around himself, a gasp escaping his lips as he stroked in a slow, measured rhythm. Caleb moved his hand with a precision that belied his hunger, the slide of flesh against flesh creating a slick melody.

Roman slowly undressed as he watched Caleb. The man still preferred his suits, and Caleb loved him for it. He unbuttoned his dress shirt and took it off, then sent his suit pants to the floor. He’d lost some weight, and his upper body was more defined than it had been, but it didn’t matter to Caleb. He loved him no matter what, and his attraction had little to do with Roman’s physical appearance.
