Page 10 of Grizz

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She shakes her head again. “I can’t. She won’t come. I’m fine here, honestly. And I’m painting Ivy’s bedroom.” She gives a small smile. “I want to give her a home.”

I tuck Luna’s hair behind her ear. “I saw the room, and you’re doing a great job, but you can do all of that at the clubhouse.”

“I’ll speak to my brother, tell him I’m not doing it anymore. I won’t let him in the flat.”

I sigh heavily. I can’t force her to leave here, but I also know she won’t stand up to her brother. “Fine. Whatever you want.”

I lead her into the bedroom and pull the sheets back. “Get in,” I tell her, and she does, slipping beneath the sheets and snuggling into her pillows. “Sleep.”

I slept soundly with Ivy in my arms for the second night running, and although I’d never admit it out loud, that kid is like a magical sleep guru. I ain’t ever slept so well, and when Luna woke us both at six this morning, even she was surprised at how well her baby girl slept. But it meant I had to go for my workout, get back, and shower, all by nine, when the Pres called church. I made it just in time.

“So,” he begins, “how’s it all going?”

“London is a bitch, that’s all I gotta say on the matter,” mutters Cash, and a few of the brothers laugh.

“Foxy is great,” Smoke says with a wink and a smirk. “Well, she was when I left her in bed a minute ago.”

“Jesus, Smoke, you’re not meant to be making them your old lady,” says Fletch. “You’ll give the others ideas.”

“Anything suspicious?” asks Axel. The others shake their heads, and he waits for me to do the same. “VP?” he pushes.

“She got hurt yesterday,” I say, staring hard at the club’s logo carved into the centre of the oak table. I ball my fists as the anger returns. “How far are we taking this protection shit?”

“Hurt how?” asks Axel.

“Hey, Pres says she’s got a kid,” Duke cuts in. “When the fuck did that happen?”

“Can I end her fucking brother or not?” I spit, glaring directly at Axel.

“Clear out,” Axel orders the others, and they do it quickly. He turns to me and repeats, “Hurt how?”

“Two guys—her brother’s dealers, I think—raped her.”

“Shit, is she okay?”

I shake my head. “No, but she won’t come to the clubhouse, and she begged me to leave it, so I don’t know what the fuck to do.”

“Brother, if she wants you to leave it, you have to follow her wishes.”

“And let them get away with it?” I snap, hardly believing my ears.

He shrugs. “If it’s what she wants.”

“She was upset and scared. She doesn’t know what she wants.”

“Grizz, she ain’t your old lady. If you’re feeling some kinda way, then?—”.

“I’m not,” I say, irritated by his assumption. “It’s not like that. But she’s in a mess and her brother’s a prick. He’s getting her to pay off his drug debt.”

“That’s their business. These women all have lives outside of this club and it’s up to them how much they share with us. If she’s asked you to stay out of it, then you stay out of it. You can’t wade in there, cos she might give you up to the police and then you’ll be right back inside.”

He’s right. I’ve only just come off licence after being released from a five-year stretch in Belmarsh for assault. “Then what do I do?”

“You check in on her daily and keep an eye on things . . . and Grizz, if her brother turns up, you walk away. Are we clear?” I stare at him blankly. “Are we clear, VP?” I give a nod. “Good. I don’t need you back inside over some club whore drama.”

“I should get to the bar,” I mutter, pushing to stand. “I’ve got a delivery coming.”

He also stands. “How’s it coming along?”
