Page 51 of Grizz

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“Mum wasn’t looking after her,” I say.

“Your mum?” I nod. “The prostitute junky?”

“She agreed to watch her for an hour.”

“And what were you doing?” I look at the ground. “What. Were. You. Doing?” He’s back in my face, anger radiating from him.

“Working,” I whisper.

“For your brother?” I give a nod.

His fist smashes into the wall right beside my head. I duck, covering my head and squeezing my eyes closed. I knew he’d react badly, but I’d hoped he’d be more concerned about Ivy than what I kept from him. Axel charges in and puts himself between us. “Relax,” he warns.

“Get her out of my sight,” Grizz yells, stalking towards the window and keeping his back to me.

Axel gently guides me from the office and closes the door. “What’s he need to do to get Ivy back?” he asks. His sympathy causes my tears to flow faster until I’m gulping in air. “Focus,” he says firmly as Lexi comes over with a tissue.

I reach into my pocket and pull out my copy of the social worker’s details. “He should contact her. She has all the details of the court hearing.”

“Court?” he repeats, frowning.

“It’s procedure,” Lexi explains. “A judge has the final say on Ivy’s future.”

“Will he let me have her back?” I ask.

She gives my arm a rub. “No, sweety. They don’t remove children from their mother lightly. A judge will consider what’s best for Ivy. If I was you, I’d get on board with whatever they suggest you do to be seen as fit again. It’s not going to be a quick fix. You’ll have a lot of hoops to jump through and some changes to make.”

“I’ll do anything,” I whisper.



Axel comes back into the office, locking the door and closing the blind so no one from the club can see in. “Get your shit together,” he orders.

“Easy for you to say,” I mutter.

“You love that little kid anyway. This is good news, right?”

“I have a kid with a fucking slag,” I yell, turning on him.

He squares his shoulders, daring me to follow through but knowing I won’t. I turn back to look out the window. “You love her, Grizz. Don’t try to convince me otherwise.”

“It doesn’t matter anymore. She lied to me. Whatever was there is gone.”

“Bullshit. No one can turn off feelings that quickly. She fucked up, man. It happens. Help her get Ivy back.”

I turn to face him again. “No.”

“You’re gonna let your kid go into care?”

“Of course not. I’ll get Ivy back, but not for Luna. She’s gonna stay the fuck away.”

There’s a knock on the door and Axel unlocks it to let Lexi in. “She’s gone home,” she tells us, locking the door behind her. “You okay?”

“Fucking amazing,” I spit, and she arches a brow in that way a teacher would if you’re out of line. “No, I’m not,” I add, more calmly this time.

“It’s a shock, but you don’t have time to dwell on the past. What are we doing to get Ivy back?”
