Page 54 of Grizz

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He begins to walk backwards until he’s stepping out the flat. I let him . . . his time will come. “You have no idea who you’re messing with,” he says, grinning, before disappearing.

“Pack another bag,” I tell Luna. “You can’t stay here.”


Grizz doesn’t put me on the back of his bike to take me back to the clubhouse. Instead, he calls a prospect to come in a car and drive me back. It’s another subtle reminder that he doesn’t want me around.

I keep my head bowed as I walk through the club. The main room falls silent the second I step in, and I can’t face the disgusted expressions now they know I’ve had my child removed because I couldn’t keep her safe.

Grizz leads me upstairs to my old room, not the one beside his that I once shared with Ivy but the one on the whore floor. He slings my bag onto the unmade bed. “Shower and change. Wear something . . . appropriate.”

“What for?”

“A meeting,” he mutters, leaving the room without looking in my direction.

I shower and wash my hair, then I sit in front of the mirror and stare at my reflection. In the last week or so, I’ve changed. I look tired and sick. My pale skin is practically grey in colour, and the dark circles under my eyes aren’t helping. If I had any tears left, I’d probably cry, but there are none.

I reach for the makeup bag I used to use and retrieve a bottle of foundation. I drop it back because I can’t face applying it when I feel so empty. The door swings open, taking me by surprise, and Grizz stares at my naked body. “Was I not clear enough?” he asks. “We’re leaving in five. Get ready.”

I jump up, grabbing underwear from my drawer and pulling it on. His eyes aren’t filled with heat like they used to be. Instead, they’re full of hatred and anger.

I slip into jeans and a sweater and push my feet into the same old tatty trainers I always wear. His eyes linger there for a second before he grabs my leather jacket and throws it towards me. I catch it and put it on, then follow him out the door while tying my wet hair into a messy bun.

We use the car again, and he drives us into town, parking at the registry office. “Why are we here?” I ask, staring out the window at the people all rushing around after finishing work.

“You’re putting me on the birth certificate.”

I frown. “We can’t just do that. We have to have an appointment.”

“I know a guy,” he mutters, getting out the car.

I sigh heavily and follow. He’s already entering the building before I’ve even mounted the steps. I rush to catch up, but each stride he takes is worth two of mine. It’s clear he doesn’t want to be seen with me, so I slow my pace. When he stops at the reception desk, I hold back, not feeling worthy enough to stand beside him.

The receptionist leads us through to a grand office, where a gentleman sits behind a huge desk. He shakes hands with Grizz and tells us to take a seat, which we do. Grizz holds out Ivy’s birth certificate, and I frown, wondering where he found it. He must have gone through my things at the flat.

“I need the full certificate, with my name on it,” Grizz tells him.

The man gives a nod and begins tapping away on the computer. “Are you married?” he asks.

Grizz gives an unamused laugh. “No.”

“Okay, let me just check the details. Ivy Carter?”

“That needs changing too,” says Grizz, and I glare at his side profile. “Ivy Bear.” I almost laugh at the name.

“Okay. And you’re the mother?” asks the registrar, and I give a nod. “Can you confirm your name?”

“Luna Carter,” I mutter.

“Okay. I’m adding Warren as Ivy’s father, correct?” I glance at Grizz, realising I never knew his full name, which seems silly seeing as we’ve spent so much time together.

“Yes,” I whisper.

He taps away on the computer before giving a nod. “All done.” He prints the certificate off, and Grizz slides an envelope across the desk which I assume is full of cash.

We get outside, and he tucks the new birth certificate into his inside pocket. “I thought you’d want a test,” I mutter.

“Oh, I do,” he says, descending the steps and still not meeting my eyes. “But my name stays regardless.”

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