Page 16 of Fractured Vows

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“I’m fine.” I shrug out of his grip, not wanting to have another man’s hands on me. “We need to leave.”

“Willow,” Seamus starts but I cut him off.

“Are you here to help me or do I need to call someone else?”

He nods with a frown before leading me to his forest-green Mustang, holding the passenger side door open for me.

I can’t help but draw comparisons between Rafe and Seamus as we drive away from the Gallo compound, leaving my heart and soul behind those high walls. I won’t ever be able to look at another man without thinking of and comparing him to Rafe. He will forever be the pinnacle that no other man can compare to.

“Where are you taking me?” I ask after long moments of silence.

“I didn’t exactly have a plan, Willow,” he replies with a sigh. “I am headed toward the Hennie’s compound because that is where I live. But I can take you wherever you want to go.”

“I need to have a word with Konnor, so the compound is fine.”

Hopefully, I can defuse the situation with Regina before it turns into the perfect storm. Konnor is more likely to listen to reason even though he is insanely volatile on the best of days.

“Are you going to tell me what is going on? Did that prick hurt you?”

I glare at Seamus. “Rafe didn’t do a damn thing,” I hiss.

Seamus stares at me in disbelief. “You’re crying, Kitten.”

The old nickname falls from his lips and I want to scream that he has no right to call me that anymore. My hand goes to my face and I feel that it’s dripping wet. I didn’t even realize I was crying. Goddammit.

“Talk to me,” Seamus implores as he pulls to a stop in front of the double-story brownstone the Hennie’s call home.

“Later,” I reply, stepping from the car. I use the sleeve of my sweatshirt to dry my face before marching up the stairs.

I can feel Seamus following me. I also know he isn’t happy to be my accomplice without any answers to his questions. I honestly can’t say if I will ever be able to give him the answers he so desperately wants simply because it has absolutely fuck-all to do with him and because it hurts. But I will have to tell him something sooner or later.

The heavy oak front door swings open revealing Konnor Hennie. He is wearing a pristine tailored charcoal suit and I can see why the man is so popular with the ladies. His green eyes dance with mirth as he assesses me.

“Mrs. Gallo. To what do I owe the honor of you darkening my door at this hour in the morning?”

“Do you want me to shoot you again, Konnor?”

He holds his hands above his head with a chuckle.

“What can I do for you?” he asks, stepping aside and granting me entrance to his home.

“We need to have a chat about Devon.”

Konnor’s gaze turns sharp. “What did my idjit little brother do this time?” His Irish lilt becomes more pronounced.

I scan the foyer, noting two large men I don’t know before focusing on Konnor once more.

“This is a conversation that might be best done in private.”

He nods before leading me down a long hallway, his hand on the small of my back. Upon entering his home office I take it all in and smile at the vast difference between his and Rafe’s spaces. Konnor has papers scattered across his desk, novels stacked beside it, and a half-eaten burrito sits on its wrapper on the corner of the wooden structure. Rafe would lose his fucking mind if he walked into this chaos.

“Am I going to need a drink for this conversation?” he asks, taking a seat.

“Probably, but let’s wait until I’ve told you everything. It’s just after six in the morning, after all.”

Konnor grunts before gesturing to a deep-red leather seat in front of his desk.

I don’t wait for him to ask any questions, I just hand him the problem in its entirety.
