Page 25 of Fractured Vows

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Nice to have confirmation. My wife is no stranger to death but I seem to have unleashed a remorseless little killer when I taught her how to carve the life from a man before my father’s death.

Catching her wrist, I use her momentum to keep spinning her around until my front presses to her back. Breath whooshes from her as I clap a hand over her mouth in the appreciation of enduring silence, twisting her wrist, and carrying her into the shadows in three steps.

Like we were never there at all.

“Your neighbors must hate you,” I murmur in her ear, flicking my tongue out to taste her. “Fuck, you’re delicious when you’re murderous.”

“Fuck … you,” she spits, but it only hits the sandstone wall I smash the side of her face into, flattening both our bodies together as the knife clatters to the ground.

Her pert little bottom grinds into my cock that hardens on command, her warmth a blanket that binds us together as I inhale her scent, nuzzling in her neck as she shudders against me. As much as I want her, my rage takes center stage.

“I looked after you. I fucking loved you, and you ran from me, Willow. Why, please?” I lick her neck and suck on the tender skin, marking her gently, though I crave to sink my teeth into the little hellion and rip her apart.

She’d live whatever life she wanted, unless she told me she was fucking someone else. Then I might kill everyone in sight.

“I needed air.” She gasps around my hand, biting down on my middle finger hard enough to draw blood.

I swear softly, closing my hand around her throat instead and squeezing. Willow stills. “Remember how this one goes, sweetheart?” I rasp in her ear. “Let’s see what else you remember.” I grip the side of her dress, gathering the material in my fingers as it slides up her thighs.

Willow pants, her palms pressed to the sandstone, and shakes her head. “No.”

Like her a second before, I froze. “No?”

“Not like this, Rafe. Please.”

The plaintive little note in her voice, the warble at the end destroys me. My heart threatens to explode out of my chest, the pressure growing as I release her and step back.

“If that’s what you want,” I say neutrally. My brain screams to drag her home, lay her out on my bed, and remind her who we are together. But that’s not what she wants, and I won’t force her anymore.

“It’s what I want,” she says softly, her back turned to me. Her hair hangs over her face, concealing her eyes but leaving the back of her neck exposed.

I step forward and press a tender kiss to the hollow of her shoulder, grazing my palms along her bare arms. “When you want to come home, our door is open. It will never be locked to you, Willow. Never. I promise.”

A wretched sob breaks free from her as Diego skitters into sight at the end of the dark alleyway between the two buildings.

“Go,” she whispers, waving him down when he aims his reassembled gun. “Go, Rafe.” She turns to me, her eyes swimming with tears that cascade over her cheeks in dirty streaks. “Don’t come back.”

I swallow hard, kneeling to pick up her knife and hand it back to her without standing. “Remember,” I say softly.

The pain in her face is too much to bear.

Diego lets me go, swearing under his breath in Italian. By the time I hit the back alley, Dom is on his way to collect me, but I ignore the car that pulls up beside me.

I need a long fucking walk to take the edge off leaving my wife alone in a house with men who do not love her or respect her the way I and mine do. A long walk to plan what the fuck comes next, because I have no idea. Willow holds all the cards. Once I thought I might enjoy the power exchange but this hollowness inside me is unbearable.

And so I walk, letting icy shards of wind pierce my chest and peel my heart from its cavity, exposing all the pain and grief that runs through me fresh and raw.

A walk where my face is as wet as hers.

Chapter Ten

Run, Run, as Far as You Can


“Willow, why don’t you just go back? You’re miserable,” Diego points out . We have been stuck in this fucking hotel for over a week, constantly in each other’s space. “He is a total dick but he cares for you.”

I snort and glare at him, not deigning to answer his ridiculous question. Yes, my heart is broken. Yes, I want to run back to Rafe and forget that any of this ever happened. But I won’t. I have a plan to prove my worth and get the Hernandez name back into good standing and nothing will stand in my way.
