Page 30 of Wanting Mrs. Clarke

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Hollis shook her head as she smiled, reaching for Kate’s hand as she closed the door, pushing her back against it as she ran her hands along Kate’s sides, leaning in to kiss her passionately.

They hadn’t seen each other in five days, but after spending so much time together in the previous month, it seemed like so much longer.

Kate sighed as Hollis’s tongue swept into her mouth, Kate’s hands on Hollis’s waist, their bodies pressed together, and Hollis couldn’t wait until this was her life, when Kate would come home to her. She’d lost track of how many times she’d told herself it was too much, too soon, when it came to how she felt about Kate, and Hollis was starting to let those thoughts float by. She couldn’t help how she felt, and thankfully, Kate was right there with her.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” Hollis murmured as she pulled away, her eyes searching Kate’s.

“Me too.” Kate looked at Hollis as if she was the only woman in the world, and it still made Hollis a little breathless.

“You must be exhausted,” Hollis said, reaching for Kate’s hand as she took a step back.

Kate’s lips curved into a smile. “Yeah. I am.”

Hollis’s hand slid out of Kate’s as she bent to grab Kate’s bag. “Come on. Let’s go upstairs.” She let Kate go ahead of her.

“Do you really have to give up this house?” Kate asked, sliding her hand along the polished wooden bannister. “It’s beautiful.”

“Hm. But I designed it,” she said as she climbed the stairs. “It looked completely different when we bought it. I can do it again. On a smaller scale this time though.” They reached the top of the stairs. “The master is at the end of the hall.”

Kate pushed the door open, hesitating once she was inside, as if she was afraid to go any further.

Hollis left Kate’s bag on the bed. “This has been my room for months. Just me.”

With a small nod, Kate reached up and tugged on the elastic band that held her hair in place. She tousled her hair, letting it fall along her usual part line as she turned to Hollis. Kate’s gorgeous features were marked with exhaustion, and Hollis found herself closing the distance between them to wrap her arms around her.

“We’re nearly there,” Hollis whispered, hoping that she was right, because she couldn’t shake the feeling that the weight of this situation would start to put cracks in their relationship if it wasn’t resolved soon.


Kate woke up with Hollis’s arm draped over her stomach, and she closed her eyes again, taking a deep breath, savoring this moment, because she knew they only had a few more days like this left.

These last three days with Hollis had been magic. It was a preview of what their lives would look like if this really did work out, and Kate couldn’t get enough of it. All of it. Waking up in Hollis’s arms, taking turns making breakfast or dinner, stretching out on the couch to watch a movie with no space between them.

Hollis stirred beside her, her arm sliding away, and Kate rolled onto her back. “Morning,” Hollis said, her voice rough. “What time is it?”

“Almost ten.” Kate stretched her arms over her head. “I wish I hadn’t agreed to work today. I have to get up.” She leaned in to kiss Hollis’s shoulder before slipping out of bed.

“Have a shower.” Hollis propped herself up. “I’ll make us some coffee and something to eat.”

“I won’t be long.” Kate leaned over the bed to kiss her. She knew if she stayed in bed beside Hollis, she’d be late for work.

Kate padded into the master bathroom, turning on the water, and stepping under the hot spray. As she ran her hands through her hair, she couldn’t help but replay the last few days in her mind. It was all the little moments that stuck out. They hadn’t done anything special, other than spend time together. They’d barely left the house, just to go for a hike and some lunch yesterday afternoon. But it was how quickly they’d fallen into this domesticity.

When she’d agreed to come here for the holidays, she hadn’t put too much thought into what that would look like. Would it be awkward? Would they get sick of each other spending that much time together when they were still getting to know one another? They’d essentially be living together for the better part of a week. If this wasn’t going to work, it wouldn’t take long for them to discover that.

But the days had gone by smoothly, effortlessly almost, and Kate was already thinking ahead to how she was going to go back to their previous routine of meeting three or four nights a week for dinner or a quick drink.

Kate finished washing her hair and toweled off. She wasn’t going to spend anymore time doubting this. So far, other than Hollis still being married, everything had been so natural between them since they saw each other again last month. They’d just have to figure out how to navigate the next few weeks or months or however long it was until Hollis was finally free.

The idea of walking down the street or on a beach in the spring, hand in hand, had her smiling to herself as she put on her work clothes. She pulled her hair back into a messy bun and put on some light makeup before going downstairs her sling back on her shoulder, following the delicious aroma of coffee and eggs.

“Thank you,” Kate said, coming up behind Hollis as she turned off the stove, placing a kiss on her shoulder.

They ate at the breakfast bar as they had every morning, and Hollis said exactly what she was thinking about. “I wish this didn’t have to end in two days.”

“I know.” Kate finished her eggs. “I was thinking the same thing. In the shower. Now. I was too afraid to say it though,” she said as she got up and loaded the dishwasher with their empty plates. “I feel like I’m the one trying to show restraint now.”

“Hey,” Hollis said, catching her hand as she came back around the counter. She reached up to caress Kate’s cheek. “Nothing about this has been conventional so far. Why would it be now?” Hollis kissed her tenderly. “Do you have time for another coffee before you go?”
