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Mom gave a sigh. “Hurry up. We need to know.”

I cut the other side then slid the knife underneath the base to lift it in the air.


“Oh my god, we’re having a boy!” Scarlett threw her hands over her face and, like a spark to a match, burst into tears. “We’re having a boy.”

I returned the slice to the table and wrapped my arms around her. “These tears of sadness or joy?”

“Neither.” She sobbed into my chest. “I’m just…I don’t know.” She’d been a lot more emotional lately. We were watching TV one night, and a cat commercial came on and made her bawl.

I kissed her temple. “I’m excited to have a little man running around the house.”

Everyone cheered in excitement. My mom hugged my father, and they cherished the moment.

Dante smiled. “A grandson…I like that.”

Theo drank from his scotch. “I just hope he’s nothing like you, Axel. He could look identical to Scarlett, and you’d still be uglier.”

“Thanks, man.” I kissed my wife again.

He raised his glass. “Anytime.”

Scarlett continued to sob into my arms. “Can you believe it?”

My hand went to her distended stomach and bunched the fabric under my fingertips. “I’m so excited. I never cared about being a father before you. But now, it’s a dream come true.”

“You’re so sweet. I hope he’s just as sweet.”

“I’m sure he will be. A big mama’s boy.”

“That would be nice.” She stopped crying, her makeup smeared from the tears. “I just hope he’s not close to your size because that’s gonna be rough.”

“You can do it, baby.”

“Easy for you to say. You don’t have to do it.”

“You know I would if I could.” I pulled her in again and gave her a kiss.

She left my arms and went over to each guest one at a time, hugging them and thanking them for being a part of this special moment. My parents were always happy to talk to her, and without their telling me how they felt toward her, I knew they loved her.

Dante left Hannah’s side and came to mine. “Congratulations.”

“Congratulations to you.”

“Thank you,” he said. “I’m very excited. And if you need a babysitter, call me.”

“You?” I asked incredulously.

“I raised a little girl all on my own, didn’t I?” He nodded toward her. “And look how she turned out.”

“True,” I said with a smile. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

He patted me on the back. “Thank you for everything. I know this moment wouldn’t be possible without the way you supported my relationship with Scarlett. Most men wouldn’t have tolerated me, probably would have killed me, but you had the grace to forgive me. You’re a very admirable man, and if my grandson is anything like you, he’ll be a fine man indeed.”

My eyes shifted away in discomfort. His words were appreciated, but the sentiment made me feel all sorts of things that were unwelcome. “Thank you for saying that.”

“Of course,” he said. “We’re a family.”
